Update to OpenEdge Application Example Sample Code

Posted by fbe on 21-Aug-2006 13:53


I have updated all sample code pieces accompanying the OpenEdge Sample Application documents. They include a simple setup document to help getting the sample running (based on 10.1A OpenEdge Architect). The sample application should work and pieces of it will be available in source depending on the topic chosen to download it from. All available sources should compile and can be used to manipulate the sample's behavior for the selected topic.

Please, let me know if there are any problems with these ZIP files and their contents!


Frank Beusenberg

All Replies

Posted by Thomas Mercer-Hursh on 21-Aug-2006 14:37

So, one needs to do a fresh download of everything?

Got a list?

Posted by fbe on 21-Aug-2006 15:01

The complete list of pages is:








Download the available ZIP file on each page to get the full set of source files mentioned in the accompanying OpenEdge Sample Application topic documents. Downloading all samples at once will bring some overhead in that you always download the same Progress Library file, database files and setup document. The individual ZIP files are tested using the setup document's instructions. Extracting all ZIP files into the same directory will probably work for the above set of files but will not be guaranteed now or in the future when other samples are added.


Frank Beusenberg

Posted by Thomas Mercer-Hursh on 21-Aug-2006 16:43

Got'em ... along with a bunch of old ones with slightly different names, which I have now smoked.

Are these now all self contained, i.e., they will run in separate directories if one wants to focus on them individually?

If they are really intended to be run in the same directory as cooperating functions, then it might make sense to split out the common stuff into a separate download. but, if it is AutoEdge that you are going to provide for an integrated set and these are intended to be kept separate, then having them be self-contained and complete, even if redundant, is good.

Posted by fbe on 22-Aug-2006 08:29

Got'em ... along with a bunch of old ones with slightly different names, which I have now smoked.

OK. Yes, I've changed the ZIP names slightly to make sure you know you got something new!

Are these now all self contained, i.e., they will run in separate directories if one wants to focus on them individually?

Yes, that is exactly what we intended the samples to do. So for each individual topic, you can download the sample code and run it.

If they are really intended to be run in the same directory as cooperating functions, then it might make sense to split out the common stuff into a separate download. but, if it is AutoEdge that you are going to provide for an integrated set and these are intended to be kept separate, then having them be self-contained and complete, even if redundant, is good.

As you said, the samples are self-contained. They are all based on the same bigger example, but each highlight parts of the OpenEdge Reference Architecture using a sample implementation. Because they are all based on the same bigger sample they all have a common base. This is true for the updates I have put out, but this may not be the case in future samples, so do not assume that you can install all samples 'on top of each other' to just add functionality as we move forward. That is not our goal with these samples. It should work fine for the samples listed in the list I've put out as response to Thomas' question.

Posted by Thomas Mercer-Hursh on 22-Aug-2006 11:19

I might suggest going forward that you consider a naming convention such as


So that it will be clear what the current one is.

Perhaps you might want to have two clear types of updates once AutoEdge is released, one type to install in the application directory and one type that is self-contained, and pick the type according to the nature of the sample code.

Posted by fbe on 22-Aug-2006 11:58

I might suggest going forward that you consider a naming convention such as

GreatExample-SampleCode_20060813 so that it will be clear what the current one is.

Good suggestion!

Perhaps you might want to have two clear types of updates once AutoEdge is released, one type to install in the application directory and one type that is self-contained, and pick the type according to the nature of the sample code.

Thanks for offering these suggestions! We will certainly try to keep improving and make things as easy and clear as posisble when posting samples and not confuse people.

Posted by Simon de Kraa on 23-Aug-2006 05:46

(based on 10.1A OpenEdge Architect).

Small detail... Actually the document is based on OpenEdge 10.1A Service Pack 1. The OpenEdge project settings ProPath tab looks quite a bit different in 10.1A and 10.1A01.

Posted by Mike Ormerod on 23-Aug-2006 05:55

(based on 10.1A OpenEdge Architect).

Small detail... Actually the document is based on

OpenEdge 10.1A Service Pack 1. The OpenEdge project

settings ProPath tab looks quite a bit different in

10.1A and 10.1A01.

Good catch. Yes indeed the doc is based upon 10.1 SP1.

Posted by Simon de Kraa on 24-Aug-2006 06:26

To give you a quick start...


You can load the AppServer settings using the following command:

(this will restart the AdminServer!)

proenv> mergeprop -type ubroker -delta AutoEdge.txt

with AutoEdge.txt is:




srvrStartupParam=-pf ./cfg/autoedge-as.pf -param id=HQ


Don't forget to set the portNumber and workDir afterwards (using Progress Explorer).


You can load the Registry settings using the following command:

regedit AutoEdge.reg

with AutoEdge.reg is:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

"AppServer"="-URL AppServer://localhost:5162/asAutoEdge -sessionModel Session-free"



"font8"="MS Sans Serif, size=8"

"font9"="Verdana, size=8, underline, bold"

"font10"="Courier New, size=9"

Posted by Tim Kuehn on 24-Aug-2006 14:31

Are these sample files windows-centric, or are they platform agnostic?

The reason I ask is I was looking at the context manager "libraryservice.p" program, and it makes reference to "GET-KEY-VALUE".

Isn't that a Windows/XP-ism, or can that be used on Unix as well?

Posted by fbe on 29-Aug-2006 05:08

The reason I ask is I was looking at the context manager "libraryservice.p" program, and it makes reference to "GET-KEY-VALUE".

The GET-KEY-VALUE certainly is a 'Windows Only' language feature. So, yes, the sample currently will run on Windows only. That is not to say that we are gradually moving it to be platform agnostic by taking out certain platform dependencies like creating a UUID (now using the built in ABL features to do this where it was a Windows DLL before). This one is still to be replaced by a platform independent implementation.

Just out of curiosity: Did you run this sample on a non-Windows machine and got an error about this statement, or were you just examining the code and stumbled across this one?

Posted by Tim Kuehn on 29-Aug-2006 08:53

Just out of curiosity: Did you run this sample on a non-Windows machine and got an error about this statement, or were you just examining the code and stumbled across this one?

I was looking over the code to see how it was organized and what it had in it.

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