For the past couple of weeks, myself and three other Progress people were involved in a Usability Tour with certain partners/customers in Europe. What was interesting from an OE Principles perspective was the mix of architectures in use today. Not that is comes as any big surprise that there is such a mix, but I'm interested to get a feel on a larger scale just what architecture model people are using today.
So please take a second and vote in the poll, and if you have multiple apps that use different architectures then please vote for each.
Also, let me know if you think we should split it down further between deploy & develop, as it does sometimes take a while to move to a new architecture and what your working on today, may be different to what is being deployed at this time.
Many Thanks
For me, certainly, developing and deployed are quite different things.
I think I'm answering this correctly (where does one vote??)....
1. Client/Server (CHUI)
2. Client/AppServer/Server (GUI)
3. WebService&EJB/J2EE/JMS/AppServer/Server (Service)
4. client/Server (flat file extract)
5. JDBC/Server (extract)
6. Server-Replication&Fathom-Server (HA)
Hi Murray
You should be able to vote by simply clicking the appropriate choice in the poll on the right hand side of the forum.
Maybe its because i'm using firefox ... but I can' see any poll???
Ahh yes - IE fixed it
Got Firefox 2.0? I can see it.
Yes, I've got FireFox 2.0 - maybe its getting blocked by my add blocker??
It only shows when you are looking at the thread list for the forum in which this thread is contained.
Ok - well I've votted now anyway
I just tried in Firefox 2.0 and I could see it, so yes maybe it's an add-on or extension that your running.
Message was edited by:
Mike Ormerod
I think Thomas had the right answer.
It fooled me too, 'cos I focus on the left side of the screen - new messages (with orange dots). Hence I didn't notice a poll.
I think Thomas had the right answer.
I like the way you think!
In addition to focus, I suppose it is possible that the poll was actually off the left side of the screen.