New Version of AutoEdge

Posted by rotherma on 12-Jan-2007 09:48

An updated version of AutoEdge, v1.2.2 as of 20070111, is posted at The installation executable as well as the zip file are new. This version works with 10.1A01 and 10.1B. The document bug found this week has been fixed as well.

All Replies

Posted by Thomas Mercer-Hursh on 12-Jan-2007 11:51

Thanks for the quick response. I'll give it a try.

Posted by Thomas Mercer-Hursh on 12-Jan-2007 14:13

I've gotten through the install as far as to have completed the Sonic Configuration and I have to say that except for a couple of minor points the documentation is extremely clear. The two minor points I think of are:

1) On page 8 of the Sonic doc item 5 has two versions based on 7.0 versus 7.0.1. I would suggest making that clearer, i.e., something on the order of "if you have 7.0 do step a; if you have 7.0.1 do step b instead". The large illustration and the page break make it unclear there is an either/or choice here.

2) On page 20 of the Sonic doc, step 20, merely saying "Stop the Domain Manager" is a lot more cryptic than all of the other instructions, which are very explicit.

I haven't spent any time with the Sonic docs yet, but it seems to me that there is a real pedagogical opportunity here. The instructions are very clear about what to do, but it would be really interesting to have a companion document that talked about why one was doing these particular things.

Posted by Thomas Mercer-Hursh on 12-Jan-2007 15:14

And, I would like to throw in a fresh compliment about the degree to which this example application is documented. Maybe you did it in self-defense because there were enough different people in the team, but it really adds a lot of value.

Posted by Thomas Mercer-Hursh on 12-Jan-2007 17:18

Using the new version and the XP version of the Office application, I am getting

**Unable to set Y. FRAME fsv does not fit in FIELD-GROUP widget(504)

when I select the Maintain/Approve TestDrive button. If I click OK, the window then opens normally.

The stack trace is:

autoedge/start.p (.\autoedge\src\gui\autoedge\start.p) at line 43

autoedge/maincontrol.p (.\autoedge\src\gui\autoedge\maincontrol.p) at line 231

CtrlFrameTaskpanel.TaskPanel.ItemClick autoedge/mainviewxp.w (.\autoedge\src\gui\autoedge\mainviewxp.w) at line 1162

NavigationAction autoedge/mainviewxp.w (.\autoedge\src\gui\autoedge\mainviewxp.w) at line 1918

menuItemChoose autoedge/maincontrol.p (.\autoedge\src\gui\autoedge\maincontrol.p) at line 558

StartFrame autoedge/mainviewxp.w (.\autoedge\src\gui\autoedge\mainviewxp.w) at line 2253

initializeObject adm2/containr.p (D:\apps\psc\10.1B\gui\adm2\containr.r) at line 10554

initializeObject autoedge/ftestdrivemaintenance.w (.\autoedge\src\gui\autoedge\ftestdrivemaintenance.w) at line 4956

initializeObject adm2/containr.p (D:\apps\psc\10.1B\gui\adm2\containr.r) at line 10554

initializeObject pure4gltv/pure4gltv.w (.\autoedge\src\gui\pure4gltv\pure4gltv.w) at line 5855

--> initializePure4glTv pure4gltv/pure4gltv.w (.\autoedge\src\gui\pure4gltv\pure4gltv.w) at line 6006

I am on WinXP running with 10.1B

Posted by Thomas Mercer-Hursh on 12-Jan-2007 17:21

Also, using the .NET interface, I scheduled a test drive with dealer 1 on 1/30, but when I get into the dealer 1 window, there are no entries for 1/30.

This is true also when I log in to HQ. For all dealers, the last date shown is 1/26.

Posted by cstiller on 15-Jan-2007 03:05

In the dealer and HQ applications, we filter the test drive records to only show the next 14 days. That is why you don't see anything after the 26th (when running it on the 12th). I guess that's another area we have to be clearer about, either on the screens or in the docs. You can change this in the BE (e.g. src/server/autoedge/betestdrive / fetchOpen)...

As for the issue with the XP container, we'll look into that.

Posted by Thomas Mercer-Hursh on 15-Jan-2007 12:18

After getting the consumer web screen to work, I added another test drive on an earlier date and that showed up fine. The test drive screen could use a refresh button. I got it to refresh by changing the filter and changing it back and the new test drive didn't show up until then. Of course, it would be better yet if the arrival of a new test drive caused a refresh ... but maybe that takes multi-threading!

I see that the date has now moved forward to the 29th, so I presume that the one I scheduled will show up tomorrow. I wonder if this shouldn't be an explicit filter, i.e., show me TD in the next two weeks or show me all.

Posted by Thomas Mercer-Hursh on 15-Jan-2007 13:02

FWIW, as I now move forward, I am getting the same complaint on every new window that is opened, e.g., Change Car.

Posted by Thomas Mercer-Hursh on 15-Jan-2007 13:17

A couple of other bits.

When one selects Change Car ... one can no longer see the car that was originally selected. Yes, one can move windows around and such, but it seems like "Change" should show the existing choice in some way, e.g., pre-opening the correct model and showing it highlighted.

In Change Time, I find the UI a bit odd. There is a time combo box, but it isn't available without clicking the little icon. Why? And, why is a time available or not available? And, what does the person have to do with picking the time? And, having picked a person while picking the time, it is now approved, but it doesn't show the person back on the main screen.

Moreover, I changed the pre-existing test drive request for Jane Smith from a green to a red BV4 SUV and then changed the time to 1pm and assigned Mike North from the change time dialog. If I reopen the Testdrive Maintenance I see these new values, except for the employee which is blank. If I open the Daily Schedule, and look at Mike North, I see him scheduled for a test drive of a Green BV4 at 2pm.

Posted by Thomas Mercer-Hursh on 15-Jan-2007 13:23

And then I took the open appointment for Amanda Roberts for the 25th and changed the date to the 15th at 1pm and selected Mike North ... and this doesn't show up in Mike's calendar ... not to mention it being at the same time as the other one.

Why is the testdrive maintenance locked for a testdrive once it is approved? What if it needs to be changed? E.g., Mike calls in sick and I need to assign all his test drives to someone else?


After I closed both windows and opened them again, I now see the Amanda Roberts appointment in Mike's calendar for the 15th at 1 and in the TD By Date display I can see Mike in the Amanda Roberts appt., but no one in the Jane Smith appointment at the same time, although it shows as approved. While one can't select the employee combo for an approved appt., it turns out one can select the change time button and if I make the Jane Smith one for 2pm instead of 1pm and assign Mike North, I can now see that in the TD maintenance display, but I have to close and re-open the Daily Schedule to see it. Just changing dates forward and back did not bring the second appointment into view.

Message was edited by:

Thomas Mercer-Hursh, Ph.D.

Posted by Thomas Mercer-Hursh on 15-Jan-2007 13:47

The Car List report does not have the error message the other functions do ... I suppose that is because it is not ABL.

Why is the Car List Report window not resizable. Makes it hard to read sensibly.

Is there supposed to be a Schedule report? It is grayed out.

Posted by Thomas Mercer-Hursh on 15-Jan-2007 13:53

And, the one I changed from Green to Red and which shows as red in the dealer app shows as Green in Jane's schedule on the web.

Posted by Thomas Mercer-Hursh on 15-Jan-2007 14:08

But in the .NET it is Blue and still at 4pm.

Posted by rotherma on 15-Jan-2007 14:17

Thomas, updates to test drive information made in the dealer systems are not sent up to the Headquarters system. That is why the web and .NET consumer interfaces give different information than the dealer systems. We have not put this part of the integration in AutoEdge. This is stated in section 8.9 of the installation guide.

Any updates to the car inventory or customer information is shared with Headquarters.

- judy

Posted by Thomas Mercer-Hursh on 15-Jan-2007 14:30

That explains some of it ... but not all of it. Seems like a rather large hole.

Posted by rotherma on 15-Jan-2007 14:33


Please remember AutoEdge is not meant to be a complete application.

- judy

Posted by Thomas Mercer-Hursh on 15-Jan-2007 14:40

Yes, but there is a difference between the many possible things which one might imagine in a complete application that are not implemented and things which are implemented, but don't work as expected. My sense would be that, if updating information at the dealer is supported, one would expect that information to propagate, especially since much is made of how it propagates in the other direction.

Not to mention, of course, that the demonstration of how one propagates changes in both directions, which any complete solution would require, is left half done and half done is often not a good model for something that is complete. To the extent that one expects AutoEdge to be a model for how one can construct applications, it seems like the things it does it should do correctly and completely.

Posted by Admin on 18-Jan-2007 18:38

I had no trouble installing the previous version but this one is giving me a message "This version of AutoEdge requires OpenEdge 10.1A01 or higher". I'm running 10.1A02. I uninstalled the previous version first. I'm running WinXP SP2. Anyone else had this problem, or anyone running it successfully on 10.1A02?

Posted by Thomas Mercer-Hursh on 18-Jan-2007 18:58

Did you check to see if you have the latest version? There was a very recent update which allows working with 10.1B ... you might have the same issue.

Posted by Admin on 18-Jan-2007 19:53

I believe so, I downloaded earlier today using Judy's link at the top of this thread. The file name is AutoEdgeSetup_20070111.exe, which look like it matches Judy's version. I just downloaded it again to no avail. It's strange, the 1.2 version installed perfectly; I was pleasantly surprised.

Posted by fbe on 19-Jan-2007 04:52

Yes, this was a new bug introduced in the install script! While we were focusing on supporting OpenEdge 10.1B and being able to select a version to install and run AutoEdge under we missed certain OpenEdge install combinations. Fix is being tested as I write this message. It will be posted asap. I apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.

Posted by rotherma on 19-Jan-2007 07:35

The installation problem has been fixed. A new install, AutoEdgeSetup 20070119.exe, has been posted to We apologie for any inconvenience.

Posted by Mike Ormerod on 19-Jan-2007 08:00

The installation problem has been fixed. A new

install, AutoEdgeSetup 20070119.exe, has been posted


. We apologie for any inconvenience.

Yes, and the persons responsible will be locked in the understairs cupboard over the weekend to consider their wrong doing

Posted by Tim Kuehn on 19-Jan-2007 08:21

Yes, and the persons responsible will be locked in the understairs cupboard over the weekend to consider their wrong doing :-)

Do tell, who is this person?

Posted by Mike Ormerod on 19-Jan-2007 08:36

Yes, and the persons responsible will be locked

in the understairs cupboard over the weekend to

consider their wrong doing :-)

Do tell, who is this person?

Ah, well as a team player I'd say we were all responsible, but the cupboard looks a bit small to get us all in so I guess we need to draw straws.

Posted by fbe on 19-Jan-2007 08:44

So who gets the cupboard, the short straw or the long one?

Posted by Admin on 19-Jan-2007 08:55

Yes, and the persons responsible will be locked in

the understairs cupboard over the weekend to consider

their wrong doing

... I would save this kind of punishment until you find a design flaw in the architecture... fixing an installation script is nothing compared to the other thing...

Posted by Mike Ormerod on 19-Jan-2007 08:59

Yes, and the persons responsible will be locked in

the understairs cupboard over the weekend to


their wrong doing

... I would save this kind of punishment until you

find a design flaw in the architecture... fixing an

installation script is nothing compared to the other


Oh, don't worry, we have much worse punishments for those kind of things

Posted by Admin on 19-Jan-2007 11:17

Yes, and the persons responsible will be locked in

the understairs cupboard over the weekend to consider

their wrong doing

This time it installed perfectly, thank you. For such a quick response, I say no cupboard and the team should get the weekend off.

Posted by Thomas Mercer-Hursh on 19-Jan-2007 11:21

Well, perhaps we should move this discussion of

punishments over to the "AutoEdge - Discussion" thread, then?

Posted by Tim Kuehn on 19-Jan-2007 11:21

This time it installed perfectly, thank you. For such a quick response, I say no cupboard and the team should get the weekend off.

Well, maybe they should be given the keys to where the good coffee is stored.

This thread is closed