wsAutoEdgeHQ - WebSpeed broker is not getting started

Posted by on 06-Feb-2007 06:51

I have lately installed AutoEdge for OpenEdge 10.1A01, but I am unable to get WebSpeed broker - "wsAutoEdgeHQ" started.

Whereas for GUI application, the AppBrokers - " asAutoEdgeDlr01" is running well.

I need to use the below URL to access it:-


Please help me getting it solved.


Tarun Kumar Sharma

All Replies

Posted by fbe on 06-Feb-2007 07:32

Can you please provide some information about this problem. Maybe post the WebSpeed server and broker logfiles to start with?

Posted by cstiller on 07-Feb-2007 03:23

I'm not 100% sure I understand the problem, but if you are trying to access the workshop and that doesn't work, this might be due to the fact that for security reasons the WebSpeed broker is configured in production mode, so all development and debug tools are disabled.

If you go to the properties of the broker, and change it to development mode, does that solve the problem?

Posted by on 07-Feb-2007 03:30

Thanks Frank - I looked at the logs and got to know the reason.

Its running now !!!

Posted by fbe on 09-Feb-2007 03:29

Very good! Is there anything we could do to help prevent similar problems in the future or was it environment specific? If there's anything we could do to make this better, just let us know OK!?

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