Murray posted an article in the Modeling Form which contains a reference to an article called Razorbills: What and How of Service Consumption ( )
and that article in turn contains a reference to an article called Data on the Outside vs. Data on the Inside ( ). There are some interesting ideas here for our consideration of how data access should be packaged.
In Razorbills, there is presented the notion of Entities vs. Views. There is a strong relationship here between Entity and what one would usually think of as a class in the service which owns that data. The point is made that the "view" of this data needed by various consuming services doesn't need to be the entirety of the data in the entity, nor is it limited to the data which is within the entity, i.e., it may require data resulting from a join with other entities. This creates the interesting notion that, for example, the AR service, which owns Customer, might have a Customer entity or class, but that when the Order service needs Customer data, the view that it requires is something other than this complete entity or class. Thus, the AR Service might have a message destined for the Order Service which allows the Order Service to build an OrderCustomer class corresponding to this view. I think this simplifies some of the issues of class design which have been raised earlier.
In Outside/Inside there is an interesting discussion about the different types of data which exist in a system leading to a perception that when coming from a world of monolithic applications, one has a rather extreme view of data consistency because all updates occur within atomic transactions, but this is simply unrealistic ... and unnecessary ... in a distributed system. There are some interesting categorizations about when data must be immutable, when it can be versioned, and when it has validity within a defined realm of space and time. One of the points where I think this leads is partitioning of data. For example, in most businesses, most of the time, the Order service can work with information about the items available to order as of, for example, the start of the business day, meaning that it is usual to never that one would add a part to the catalog or modify the characteristics of a part and expect to them process orders on that changed information during the same business day. Yes, I know we can all think of exceptions and we can probably all think of ways to handle the exceptions, so let's just go with the observation for the moment. But, some of the information about items in the part catalog that is managed by the Inventory Service is much more dynamic, e.g., the quantity available to allocate to orders. Publishing that information once a day and relying on it would be very dangerous. But, if that quantity is impacted by a message from the Order Service which is attempting to make an allocation and the Inventory Service then reports that the request was successful or not, then the Order and Inventory services have a reliable way to handle this dynamic information. The returned information might include the remaining quantity available, but the Order service would only take this information as advisory, not as authoritative.
More later perhaps, but I thought I would throw this out for comment.
One of the Seattle BizzTalk-meetings (SOA) I attended back in 2000 or so was one of Pat Helland about "the fortress model". It's about not trusting incoming data at every level:
The Helland Model (from Pat Helland, of Microsoft) describes separation based on trust boundaries. He sees an enterprise architecture as based on a collection of "fiefdoms". A fiefdom is a trust boundary and a functionality boundary with its own private data storage. Pat also thinks of the presentation tier as an "emissary" representing browser based clients to the fiefdom.
I borrowed the summary from
Another thing he writes about is "Metropolis": "...Pat Helland relates the evolution of technology architectures to the evolution of city planning and shows us how far we have yet to go...". See and
In Razorbills, there is presented the notion of
Entities vs. Views. There is a strong relationship
here between Entity and what one would usually think
of as a class in the service which owns that data.
The point is made that the "view" of this data
needed by various consuming services doesn't need to
be the entirety of the data in the entity, nor is it
limited to the data which is within the entity,
i.e., it may require data resulting from a join with
other entities. This creates the interesting notion
that, for example, the AR service, which owns
Customer, might have a Customer entity or class, but
that when the Order service needs Customer data, the
view that it requires is something other than this
complete entity or class. Thus, the AR Service
might have a message destined for the Order Service
which allows the Order Service to build an
OrderCustomer class corresponding to this view. I
think this simplifies some of the issues of class
design which have been raised earlier.
Yep - I've used this sort of thing before (Modelling tools like to use this I've found). Where you can run into trouble if your not careful is creating excessive reads. Lets say we do create an OrderCustomer object. Now lets say we query all order's for day and return the OrderCustomer objects. Now, lets also assume we had 1000 orders and one customer did 990 of them. So, if you don't architect carefully, you end up with a solution where you go:
for each order where :....
find first customer of order no-lock ...
create OrderCustomer object.
assign fields / call methods.
Of course what we end up with reading the same customer 990 times. I've seen this quite a bit in Java OO systems where you make the solution so generic that it loses some of its smarts.
So - as we go down this OO path, I think we are going to need better ways of "caching" objects in memory and linking them directly back to the DB. Maybe we could flag an Object as "like table" and have the DB keep it automatically upto date just like a normal row ??? E.g. have the DB handle all the writing / locking. Then we could simply look up a record (e.g. find customer of object) and put a pointer to the "real" in memory buffer into the ABL runtime. This could them be copied into a complete memory image when its passed outside the "shared memory" ABL pool (e.g. via an appserver).
Anyway - back of track - getting this "business" level objects is great for the business people. Of course there are downsides when you start creating and shipping around lots of objects as the speed of that is a lot less than a straight query from the ABL for SQL.
Others questions to ask are
how many different types of objects to I want? Do I want a customer, order and ordercustomer, ordercustomerlines, etc or will I leave them on their own?
When do I return ordercustomer and just order?
When I create a new order, do I want the end user to send OrderCustomer or just order? If its just "order" how do I find the customer or does "order" contain the unique customer key? If so, how do they get it?
What happens if my OrderCustomer is out of date? How do I maintain state?
How do I refactor a change through all the objects / WebServices and ensure they all still line up?
Can I "version" my objects and WebServices?
A lot of these are covered in the article but I never really ""understood"" them until I tried it for myself ...
Anyway - its all fun and games and its especially good to keep stretching ourselves. Thats why I love these forums
This is
where I think the second article has some interesting notions. If
you think about it, even in a monolithic application, if the
customer information is read no-lock for inclusion in the order,
there is a certain danger of it being out of date by the time the
order is completed. By and large, that doesn't actually matter
except for information which the Order needs to update, such as
CustomerTotalValueOnOrder and that is going to occur in a
transaction post which occurs as a part of the completion process
and will take the form of "add $1000 to TotalValueOnOrder" not
"Make TotalValueOnOrder = $5000". So, the only kind of updates to
Customer that one needs to worry about are things like changes to
tax authority or an immediate change in shipping address ... but
those are things where one just cant worry about the few seconds of
time in which the order is being processed because the chances of
those update occurring in that interval are vanishingly small. Even
in a monolithic system, it is much more likely that the update to
Customer will happen either before or after the processing of the
Order. As well as being deadly serious.
While I hear your wish, I think it is misplaced. If
the database is local, we already get this service
performed for us by the database buffer. The real
issue is what happens when the authoritative database
is not local.
This has nothing to do with the database or the -B parameter. Its about managing objects, mapping objects to database tables and defining a unit of work. Once you go the route of using classes to represent your entities and when every entity represents a persistent object, than you have to track the objects during the request, the same way as the ABL tracks buffers (subsequent finds are tested against a local buffer context). I'm talking about a Customer class instance being mapped to a customer database row. Why wouldn't the ABL help us with this?
But one step back, which we did earlier, is the question: should we instantiate an ABL entity (class instance) per domain object or should we pass (wrapped) temp-tables... So should we do it the Java/.Net way or the ABL way
By and large, that doesn't
actually matter except for information which the
Order needs to update, such as
CustomerTotalValueOnOrder and that is going to occur
in a transaction post which occurs as a part of the
completion process and will take the form of "add
$1000 to TotalValueOnOrder" not "Make
TotalValueOnOrder = $5000".
What kind of value would that CustomerTotalValueOnOrder be and in which currency?
For me, temp-table
certainly have their place, but if one is writing OOABL, then a
domain object is a class instance. One could elect to have a one
row temp-table inside that class instance, but I am not currently
thinking of that as best practice.
A monetary value in whatever base currency
the application is using as a reference. Are you asking why one
would want such a number?
Well, for starters, because the mapping is quite
likely not to be one object to one row.
No, and I didn't claim so either
Not to
mention, of course, that service A might ask service
B for a Customer view, which is sent via a Sonic XML
message to a remote machine where service A
instantiates a Customer object.
You forgot to mention that the message was transmitted to a satellite, forwarded to ISS and echoed back to earth. This is all middleware. Object persistence is an internal issue. Messages are transmitted in external format and translated back to internal requests.
You expect this to
be linked automatically back to a database managed by
another service on another machine?
Huh? I expect the other service to receive an external request, accept the request and transform the request to internal calls or deny it. When accepted it will delegate the actual work:
- massaging the message
- instantiating domain objects
- invoking operations on them
- assembling the return message
But why make things so complex? Your referenced link makes sense by stating that tightly coupled services should probably have been designed as one service.
For me, temp-table certainly have their place, but if
one is writing OOABL, then a domain object is a class
instance. One could elect to have a one row
temp-table inside that class instance, but I am not
currently thinking of that as best practice.
He, he, that's an understatement. It's a bad design! It's like creating a table for every row you want to store in the database...
What kind of value would that
CustomerTotalValueOnOrder be and in which currency?
A monetary value in whatever base currency the
application is using as a reference.
Are you asking why one would want such a number?
Quite frankly: yes, since it's like adding apples and peers and present that figure as "good". Why would you want to sum the order values and store that figure in the customer? And when you want to shoot that "add $1000 to TotalValueOnOrder" to the other side of the world via Sonic, how will you maintain integrity?
That is
somewhat my reaction as well, but the counter argument is that
temp-tables provide some very useful services like the to/from XML
methods and the before-table functionality for determining what has
changed. In fact, I had myself thinking recently about how many of
the languages I have worked in have had some interesting way of
dealing with problems that is not found in a lot of other
languages, but which one sometimes wants to imitate. And, in
specific, how COBOL was interesting for its ability to define the
same data area in multiple ways. Suppose, for example, that one
could define properties for a class, but that one could also define
a buffer which contained those properties and the buffer had XML
methods and before-table functionality. Wouldn't that be neat? We
must have
And what
is your basis for deciding that a customer has sufficient credit
available to ship an order. To me, this is typically something like
Credit Available = Credit Limit - (Total Open Invoices + Total
Orders Ready to Ship) If the current order which is being proposed
for authorization has a value less than or equal to the Credit
Available, it is OK to authorize it. Then, its value needs to be
added to Total Orders Ready to Ship before evaluating the next
order. Otherwise, someone with a $1000 credit limit could place 100
$990 orders in one day and get them all to ship. In companies where
backorders are common, like publishing, it is also common to want
to have visibility for total orders, even if they aren't ready to
ship and are not involved in credit authorization. Do you want to
query the database every time this is asked? E.g., take my former
customer SYBEX who would get back orders for a future publication
stacked up for every Barnes and Noble store in North America (plus
freight forward orders for others) ... not infrequently multiple
orders per store when they decided to increase the initial
stocking, and then bang, the book is in press and all those orders
are slated for release in the same day ... thousands of them.
Well, I'm talking about a Customer class instance
being mapped to a customer database row. sounded
a lot like it. I might add that some of the
properties of the object might not even be stored
That's the whole point of "transparant persistence": the mapping schema determines which attributes will be persisted in which tables. It's similar to temp-tables and real database tables: the ABL has provided an immense powerfull mechanism by treating temp-tables as database tables. They could do the same thing for classes. Other languages need some complex Object Query Languages, but the ABL can solve it in the runtime. Have a look at DLinq in .Net (, which looks very much like the ABL with its buffers, but it uses objects instead.
E.g., one could elect not to store a total
for the order, but compute one while building the
Sure, no problem!
I'm not sure of your point here. Mine is that tying
the object to the database is unreasonable and
inappropriate due to the likelihood of them not being
on the same machine.
No, there is a runtime mechanism that knows how to load a class from the database. But in a tiered and distributed environment, you still have to cut the direct link between the two tiers: the database mapped object will be transmitted as XML/TempTable/ProDataSet to the client, so the data can be bound to the user interface. The client might be a .Net client that can't consume ABL-classs instances. We shouldn't make the same mistake as EJB, where domain objects are accessed remotely, so every property accessor means a network roundtrip. No, you do a request, remotely something happens to domain objects and persistence and the result is marshalled back as a message.
Admittedly, if the ABL had an envelope which included
multiple of what are now independent sessions, then
one could imagine a pub-sub connection in which a
service would both request the data for an object and
simultaneously register for a change notice.
There is no need to inform the whole world about updates. The paper you referenced is about disconnected, versioned data. Its about the problems that are introduced by that in the new and loosely coupled world.
that the source of the data was the authoritative
source, then it could know that there was a change to
a subscribed record and publish a need to refresh
message or just publish the changes.
This all assumes that the client is able to respond to these published messages. What if I'm a mobile device and I just want to display my lates order. I don't want to be connected to some server all the time....
That is somewhat my reaction as well, but the counter
argument is that temp-tables provide some very useful
services like the to/from XML methods and the
before-table functionality for determining what has
These are very simple to implement using reflection, runtime inspection of objects. Hopefully this feature will be in the next OOABL release. But even without that, you can generate some code that will cover this issue, don't you think? Mapping data is relatively easy with all the tools available.
And the before-table isn't that usefull in all cases as well. You have to treat it in a special way and in that way it's good. When you need something else, you're in troubles. In the early days of the ProDataSet we kind of fought the before-table, since it didn't want to do what seemed logical.
In fact, I had myself thinking recently about how
many of the languages I have worked in have had some
interesting way of dealing with problems that is not
found in a lot of other languages, but which one
sometimes wants to imitate. And, in specific, how
COBOL was interesting for its ability to define the
same data area in multiple ways.
Data sections are great! I have asked for such a feature in ABL as well. Give us a declarative way of defining data sources. But I think it was you who replied that defining a prodataset was simple enough.
Suppose, for
example, that one could define properties for a
class, but that one could also define a buffer which
contained those properties and the buffer had XML
methods and before-table functionality. Wouldn't
that be neat?
Wouldn't it be nice if you could define class properties and declaratively map them to table columns? And when you would do a "FIND cust" the runtime would recognize this as:
- find "customer" buffer
- create "Customer" class instance
- bind the buffer to the "Customer"
- decouple automatic transactions in this concept
- "SAVE cust" would actually commit the changes to the database
This is what we suggested earlier in this thread....
Do you want to query the database every time this is
Do you want to update the database everytime something happens to the order? Besides that, certain amounts are related to a date (due payments). And what will happen when you re-base the currency? Do you refresh all totals as well?
certainly wanted this when I was first trying to create a
temp-table of Customer objects with a ProDataSet, but once I
figured out how to do that, it wasn't bad and it was certainly far
more flexible than I can imagine a declarative structure being.
I.e., it is the kind of thing that, by the time you make all the
declarations, it takes up about as much effort and space as it does
to make the assignments, especially with the capabilities in 10.1B
where one can have multiple constructors, including one that sets
all properties at once. This seems to me to be a different issue
than I was trying to raise in this thread, however.
I want to update only when
there are meaningful state changes and then only as a part of the
completion process. I certainly wouldn't update this for every
order line change, for example. I haven't seen any credit
authorization filters where the fact that an amount was due in 30
days or 60 days was part of the criteria. I have done credit
authorization that included other factors, such as the age of the
oldest open invoice relative to its due date, but that relies
solely on AR data. FASB-52 tells us how to handle multiple
currencies. It isn't willy-nilly changes. But, hey, if this is a
real problem in your application, feel free to design it so that
these fields are tables with one value per currency instead and
then do the sum dynamically at the time of credit authorization per
current values if that is what you want to do. I don't mind ... it
doesn't really change anything.
Of course, if one is working in a single session against a database, that customer will be in the database buffer for 989 of those reads, so it won't actually be very expensive. Hard to know how you would structure this even in simple, monolithic ABL single session since one certainly wouldn't expect most of the orders to come from one customer.
Ahh - but your missing the cost of building and transmitting 990 Client objects ...
One returns what one is asked for... assuming that the requestor is authorized.
True - but one often doesn't know what they want (and neither frequently does the client).
While I hear your wish, I think it is misplaced. If the database is local, we already get this service performed for us by the database buffer. The real issue is what happens when the authoritative database is not local. This is where I think we have a need for DataXtend type replication, versioned copies, and/or some form of caching come into play.
OO databases do this fine now - why can't the ABL. If we stop thinking about rows at all and only think about objects then there you have it. Why should I even care about the row any more???
Do you want to update the database everytime something happens to the order? Besides that, certain amounts are related to a date (due payments). And what will happen when you re-base the currency? Do you refresh all totals as well?
I want to update only when there are meaningful state changes and then only as a part of the completion process. I certainly wouldn't update this for every order line change, for example.
Actually I'm wondering if we don't need something like a Hibernate or TopLink to handle the "buffer pool" of available objects (this gets back tot he DB handling "objects" linked to tables). If I can as for a "customer object" and get a pointer to the in memory version then I'm set.
Of course, all this is quite complex and I feel quite sorry for the poor PSC C/C++ programmer whose task it is to make our dreams real
In the current state of the art, it appears
that there is often an unacceptable performance penalty for moving
to OO database, AFAIK. And, one certainly complicates the picture
for reporting tools. But, this isn't to say that there might not be
a role for an OO database locally to serve as a cache, even a
shared cache used by multiple sessions. I asked here
whether ObjectStore could be used for this purpose, but I haven't
exactly gotten a significant response ... or even an insignificant
I've put in a point back to here since we've had a very good discussion
Actually, I would miss building and transmitting all 1000 Customer objects since I would put the needed Customer information inside the Order object and I would pull the Customer info needed from an Order service cache.
So - that's "lazy loading" - yes? I.e. only loading them when required?
Whether or not it is an
actual OO database, which certainly sounds interesting because it
avoids all the marshalling and demarshalling cost, I definitely
think there is a role for a system cache which is shared by
multiple sessions and possibly by multiple services. This allows
the services to more easily be designed as stateless so that
multiple, replicated copies of a service could all access the same
pool. Three may also be a role for a local copy of a regular
database containing some of the shared data which might be
authoritatively hosted on another machine. When DataXtend supports
Progress (RSN), it could maintain this shared data in near real
Yeah - what is the story with DataXtend ?? I hadn't heard of it until a month or so ago? (Maybe I'm not looking in the right place)
Not necessarily. Imagine an Order Service. It is
connected to a database which houses Order data. This includes
things like unique identifiers of the customer and probably include
pointers to things like bill to and ship to addresses. This Order
Service is also connected to a cache database which houses
information that comes from non-local services. So, it goes to
build the first Order, looks in the cache database for the Customer
details, doesn't find it and a message gets sent to AR to obtain
this Customer View. That data is then put in the cache database and
used to build the first Order object. Then it comes to the second
Order object and does the same thing, but this time it is the same
customer and the data is already in the cache. This isn't really
lazy load. Lazy load might be something more like having the option
during order processing to access a bunch of extended data about an
item, information which is normally not needed. One might elect to
find that information only when needed and that would be a lazy
It was heavily
touted at last year's Exchange and, at the time, they were saying
it would be ready for use with 10.1B, but my understanding is that
it needed a bit more work under the covers than was realized at the
time and that it should support Progress with the next release.
This is very cool technology, not only for this kind of
distributing data around the network so that there are local
copies, but also for handling the knotty problem of the mostly
connected system that is not always available or the problem of the
client that is only rarely connected.
When DataXtend supports Progress (RSN), it
could maintain this shared data in near real time.
I would rather see the OR-mapping and caching being integrated in the runtime for ABL class mapping ( And Murray, there is also a C++ version, so maybe PSC is able to pull a trick or two and integrate it more easily (yeah, sure
When DataXtend supports Progress (RSN), it
could maintain this shared data in near real time.
I would rather see the OR-mapping and caching being
integrated in the runtime for ABL class mapping
p). And Murray, there is also a C++ version, so maybe
PSC is able to pull a trick or two and integrate it
more easily (yeah, sure
I'm still waiting for the ABL to fully run in the JVM - that would solve LOTS of issues
I see no reason to think that implementing the AVM within the JVM was on anyones radar.
I see no reason to think that implementing the AVM
within the JVM was on anyones radar.
If it isn't, it should be!!! We get the best of both worlds and PSC still runs everywhere on JVMs. Maybe we could also get PSC for Java Micro Ed so we can run apps on Phones ???
I noted that JRuby is out now:
I'm quite sure it isn't and I
can think of a lot of reasons why it shouldn't be. Why should PSC
align themselves with Java instead of .NET? Do you actually think
you would get the same performance out of a AVM layered on a JVM?
And, frankly, if one is going to make that drastic a change,
wouldn't one do something different than implementing the current
model? I mean, would you create a single-threaded AVM on top of a
JVM? Wouldn't you want to move all the UI into class libraries?
Wouldn't you in fact want to make the whole thing OO? And, if you
did all of this it would no longer be ABL. Now, that would make a
lot of existing users and APs happy, wouldn't it!
I'm quite sure it isn't and I can think of a lot of
reasons why it shouldn't be. Why should PSC align
themselves with Java instead of .NET? Do you
actually think you would get the same performance out
of a AVM layered on a JVM?
Yes I really do think you can get the same performance from the JVM in Java 5 or especially Java 6. .NET only runs on Windows so its out (lets not get into Mono).
And, frankly, if one is going to make that drastic a
change, wouldn't one do something different than
implementing the current model? I mean, would you
create a single-threaded AVM on top of a JVM?
Wouldn't you want to move all the UI into class
libraries? Wouldn't you in fact want to make the
whole thing OO? And, if you did all of this it
would no longer be ABL. Now, that would make a lot
of existing users and APs happy, wouldn't it!
It can still be the ABL on Java. And yes I'd add lots of new stuff and it could remain single threaded at the start. I'd also look at using an open source AppServer for Java instead of the Progress one (since its now in JVM). We need to look at the where the ABL will be in 10 years, if I'm a betting man, PSC won't still be spending money maintaining their own Virtual Machine - why would you??
Of course - the DB would probably have to remain C/C++ for now, but who knows ...
Yes, I
expect they will ... and I think it is probably the right choice.
You seem to think that Java has won the language wars and that
there is nothing else.
Yes, I expect they will ... and I think it is
probably the right choice. You seem to think that
Java has won the language wars and that there is
nothing else.
No - i think you are confusing the VM with Java the language. They are not the same beast. The VM is a multi-language VM.
That VM hasn't won the VM war any more than Java has won the language war.
That VM hasn't won the VM war any more than Java has
won the language war.
No - but I don't see another good alternative
Nor do I see a need for a universal VM.
No - but I don't see another good alternative
I would imagine the people working on the AVM are following other VM efforts out there and have applied some of the ideas to the language.
At least, I would hope so.
Of course, one might also point out that PSC has been doing their VM a lot longer than most folks have been doing theirs ...
Of course, one might also point out that PSC has been
doing their VM a lot longer than most folks have been
doing theirs ...
Yep - and thats probably why its still single threaded
But also why it is so performant in key areas.
I would imagine the people working on the AVM are
following other VM efforts out there and have
applied some of the ideas to the language.
I think we started talking about PVM (Progress Virtual Machine) on the Directions forum and that has been picked up by marketing guys It doesn't mean that the 4GL runtime is a virtual machine. "Basic" is probably a virtual machine as well in that case...
Perhaps we should go back to the original discussion, where we don't have:
- "transparant persistence" (or ORM)
- multi threading
- generics
The things we do have are buffers, temp-tables, prodatasets, datasources and 4GL database access, hurray!!!
It doesn't mean that the 4GL runtime is a virtual
machine. "Basic" is probably a virtual machine as well in that
case... I would be more than happy to go back to the
original topic of this thread ... which wasn't on any of those
Actually, looking at the current 10.1B manuals, they are full of references to the AVM.
Actually, looking at the current 10.1B manuals, they
are full of references to the AVM.
It's a matter of repetition like in commercials: at one point you start believing it yourself
And what part of this do you feel the AVM doesn't qualify?