Just in case you haven't seen it on your RSS feeds, watch emails, the main page, the email alerts, or the local newspaper, we've just posted some great new material titled Application Architecture Made Simple.
The material is intended for developers and architects who are familiar with application development and want to learn about application architecture. The chapters take a simple example and - step by step - add the concepts and recommendations of good application architecture. You will start with a simple screen, and build up to an implementation that includes the important concepts.
Read all about it in a new From the Desk of (http://www.psdn.com/library/entry.jspa?externalID=2463&categoryID=230)
To get the material, jump directly to http://www.psdn.com/library/entry.jspa?externalID=2462&categoryID=230
Let us know what you think about it in this forum!
Liking what I am seeing so far, but I've run into some trouble in the "User Interface" page in the "getting started" section. All was going great until I opened the AppBuilder perspective.
When I double-click wcustomer.w in this perspective, I get a pile of errors from the AppBuilder, beginning with: No _field record is available. After that it errors about 15 messages, mostly related to invalid handles.
The program runs just fine in the OpenEdge Editor perspective; it's only when I attempt to open or run in the AppBuilder perspective.
I am new to OE Architect, so I'm guessing I've done something wrong in the setup. Any ideas?
Liking what I am seeing so far, but I've run into
some trouble in the "User Interface" page in the
"getting started" section. All was going great until
I opened the AppBuilder perspective.
The error sounds like the temp-db is not connected in your OE Architect session. The definitions from that database are used by the AppBuilder for the layout.
That database is added during the "Setup / Add database connections" step, but it might be easy to miss the instructions for the second database at the end of that chapter:
"You need to repeat these steps to setup the second database. Click on new again and follow the same steps. Use the same settings, just replace all instances of autoedge with temp-db and use a different port number."
Let us know if this solves the problem!
The error sounds like the temp-db is not connected in
your OE Architect session. The definitions from that
database are used by the AppBuilder for the layout.
This does not appear to be the problem? (At least, I can see the two database tabs in the DB Structure view, and I can browse the two schemas).
Another odd bit that I discovered: After all of the error messages, the AppBuilder has what looks like the wcustomer.w interface, but if won't syntax check. The AppBuilder and Editor perspectives show different code? For example, I do a code preview from the AppBuilder, the beginning of the procedure references this include:
while the Editor perspective uses this include:
Since there is no chapter02 in the source directory, I wonder if this is related.
I thought maybe my Propath was messed up, so I checked that and found no problems. I also searched my entire system looking for any instances of wcustomer.w and checked each instance to see if it had the "chapter02" reference, and found none.
Forgetting this problem for now-- I'm able to move on with the tutorial making changes in the Editor. But if you would like to take a look, send me a message.
On the content: This is awesome stuff. For me, this fills in a lot of the "why" and "how" of OpenEdge RA. It is really helping me to understand. Thank you for doing this. Great work!
Apologies for not posting sooner to this thread but I was attending a training class and then had to leave for Europe. (Yes there is internet access in europe, but I was a little time constrained!!)
Anyway, I just wanted to personally thank those people who were involved in the reviewing of this material, and to say a big thank you, especially to Alon Blich who graciously gave up some of his time to give us valuable feedback.
Whilst not wishing to say how wonderful we are, I do think this is great material, and all the feedback we've had so far has been very positive, so big thanks to Christian for all his hard work in brining this together.
Obviously, keep the feedback coming. If you hit any issues, such as the one above do let us know, we'll see if we can figure out what is going on.
Keep watching the site as we do have the next phase of work already underway.
So as always thanks, it's your feedback and input that keep us on the straight and narrow and hopefully ensures we continue to produce great content.
When I double-click wcustomer.w in this perspective,
I get a pile of errors from the AppBuilder, beginning
with: No _field record is available. After that it
errors about 15 messages, mostly related to invalid
There was a small issue with the data in the temp-db backup. I have posted an updated version of the zip file that fixes the issue.
If there are any other issues (or if you just want to tell us what you think about the material) - post here!