
Posted by Admin on 23-Jan-2009 06:03


Our ERP system, Epicor Vantage is using a Progress OpenEdge database. I am building a rule to show a message box (this will be handled by Vantage, however, I need to write a Progress statement to flag any records when the total booked in i.e. sub total of Part Tran\Tran Qty by Job No is greater than the Job Head\Job Prod.

I have tried the following to no avail:

for each ttPartTran BREAK BY ttPartTran.JobNum where (ttPartTran.RowMod = 'A' or ttPartTran.RowMod = 'U' and ttPartTran.TranType = 'MFG-STK' and ttPartTran.WareHouseCode = 'GHD') , each jobhead where jobhead.Company = ttPartTran.Company and jobhead.JobNum = ttPartTran.JobNum and ttPartTran.TranQty > jobhead.ProdQty (TOTAL BY ttPartTran.JobNum) no-lock

It seems the BREAK BY and\or TOTAL BY syntax is incorrect - can anybody help?



All Replies

Posted by Thomas Mercer-Hursh on 23-Jan-2009 11:25

I don't believe that you can do the BREAK BY and TOTAL BY within the FOR EACH WHERE. You need to restructure this as a loop which will iterate through the records and on the LAST OF for each break group, test the TOTAL against the header.

Posted by Admin on 26-Jan-2009 08:12

Something like:

for each ttPartTran BREAK BY jobnum where (ttPartTran.RowMod = 'A' or ttPartTran.RowMod = 'U') , each jobhead where jobhead.Company = ttPartTran.Company and jobhead.JobNum = ttPartTran.JobNum ACCUMULATE ttPartTran.TranQty (SUB-TOTAL BY ttPartTran.JobNum)

IF LAST-OF(ttPartTran.JobNum) then ttPartTran.TranQty > jobhead.ProdQty no-lock

This still doesn't work though. Sorry, I'm new to Progress.

Posted by kevin_saunders on 26-Jan-2009 08:19

The issue is you are trying to apply SQL syntax to the ABL.. The statement needs to be broken into multiple pieces (the ABL breaks syntax into 'data retrieval' and data manipulation' parts):

Posted by Thomas Mercer-Hursh on 26-Jan-2009 11:27

That last line will need some fixing to turn it into an action statement, but yes, that is exactly what I meant. E.g., if you want to display only those which meet the criteria, the it is something like

Posted by Admin on 27-Jan-2009 02:52

Thank you all for your help, this has helped.

However, I don't actually need it to display any info, I just need it to basically say:

'Where the sum of the PartTran.Tranqty grouped by the PartTran.Job Num is greater than the JobHead.Prod Qty.'

The erp system splits it into two. 1. the condition, which is the 4gl code, then 2. an action, which I select 'Show message' etc. However, this Show message bit is all handled by the erp system, so I only need it to meet the conidtion.

Posted by Thomas Mercer-Hursh on 27-Jan-2009 11:20

I'm not sure I understand you. At the place I wrote "display stuff" you could run a program supplying appropriate parameters or you could add a record in a temp-table which was then used as input to something else or fed to a report or you could set some flag in one of the records involved ... but you do have to do something in order to cause any impact.

Posted by Admin on 28-Jan-2009 07:59

I've been told I need to break it down into chunks, defining a local var for the total, totalling it up in a loop. Then if the total is bigger than the Job call an exception message. Do u define variables similair to VB?

Posted by kevin_saunders on 28-Jan-2009 08:57

It is similar..


The NO-UNDO is optional, but recommended unless you need to track changes to the variable in a transaction.

I would recommend reading some of the documentation, which can be found here:


There is one that deals with the ABL (http://www.psdn.com/library/entry.jspa?externalID=6189&categoryID=2139) and a datatype specific one (http://www.psdn.com/library/entry.jspa?externalID=2117&categoryID=2139)

Posted by Admin on 28-Jan-2009 09:05

Thanks for the links, I will investigate...

Posted by Admin on 28-Jan-2009 09:34

Ok, this is becoming frustating now. I still can't get this to work:

DEFINE VARIABLE Total Like ttPartTran.TranQty

for each ttPartTran where (ttPartTran.RowMod = 'A' or ttPartTran.RowMod = 'U' AND ttPartTran.Trantype = 'MFG-STK' AND ttPartTran.WareHouseCode = 'GHD') ,

each jobhead BREAK BY jobhead.JobNum no-lock where jobhead.Company = ttPartTran.Company and jobhead.JobNum = ttPartTran.JobNum:


IF Total > jobhead.ProdQty Then

MESSAGE "The received Qty is greater than the Total Job Qty"

Posted by kevin_saunders on 28-Jan-2009 09:55

Try this (note that the BREAK-BY must be last in the FOR statement):

Posted by Admin on 28-Jan-2009 10:19

The code validates ok but I get no message when I book more TranQty than ProdQty in.

Posted by Admin on 28-Jan-2009 10:31

I think its a problem with out ERP system.

Thank you for your help though.

Posted by Simon de Kraa on 28-Jan-2009 10:50

Shouldn't you SUB-TOTAL BY jobhead.jobnum?

Posted by Thomas Mercer-Hursh on 28-Jan-2009 11:13

Yes, you need SUB-TOTAL to get it on the break. Look back at my original example. No need for another variable either.

Posted by kevin_saunders on 28-Jan-2009 11:31

Shouldn't you SUB-TOTAL BY jobhead.jobnum?

That's what I get for coding in the PSDN text editor..

Posted by Simon de Kraa on 28-Jan-2009 11:36

To wrap things up...

Oops, made a typo...

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Simon de Kraa

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