I am reading "INTRODUCTION TO DATAVIEWS II" and I am trying to create a SmartDataViewer following the instructions in the document, but I am getting some errors. Do you know how to fix it? I am using a structured include file, and that's when fails and works fine if I use a plain include.
This sounds like an ADM question and would be better moved to that forum. We're OERA over here!
This works for me with your exact definitions.
Check that your propath is not picking up an old version of something somewhere.
Contact support if you cannot resolve the problem.
Thomas is right that this is an adm question and we should probably rather use the ADM2 forum, but .... this is also an OERA question.
Havard Danielsen
Yes, this is a question about ADM2 but is also an OERA because it came to exist after reading the White Paper on how to implement the OERA. I have not tried your solution, yet. I will keep you posted.
Hugo Alberto