Making a connection between two amazon-instances seems harder than I hoped. I'm trying to register an appserver on one amazone-instance to a nameserver at another amazon-instance. However, what I try, the broker cannot find the remote nameserver.
It looks like it has something to do with the security groups, which you can configure but it is not clear to me which port or connection should be allowed. I have allowed DNS / UPD on port 53, but still without result.
Is there somebody who has experience or an idea where I can find more information about this?
Any help appreciated!
Thijs Schoemaker
Hello Thisj,
I can successfully connect an AppServer to a NameServer in the Amazon cloud, not sure what problem you are seeing. So let me list some thoughts and hope it covers your problems.
1) UDP port 53 - any port below 1025 typically cannot be opened unless root is running the process. Try the default port, 5162, for testing.
2) I recommend using the internal cloud DNS or IP Address to for the NameServer to save cost of data transfer out of and then back into the Amazon Cloud.
3) You will need to open the UDP port on the NameServer machine to allow the AppServer to register. Don't limit an IP range you until have it working.
I hope this helps. Let me know how you are doing,
Roy Ellis
Hi Roy,
Adding DNS - UPD port 5162 in the SecurityGroup and using the internal DNS in the appserver and remote-nameserver finally helped me out. I can now register the appserver to a remote nameserver in the cloud.
Thanks a lot!!
Just curious- are you working towards deploying an OE application on Amazon? Would be interested in your plans!
OE Product Management
Yes, deploying an application in the cloud is the goal. What I want to see is how OE deals with the scalability of Amazon: adding helping instances when the main server faces performance problems.
Thijs Schoemaker