Database broker dies on Windows

Posted by PSArcade on 29-Jul-2011 14:14

We are finding that on returning to the server after starting the database broker in a previous session that the broker has died without any message appearing in the database log.  The AppServer continues to run.

Is this a broker configuration issue?

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Posted by Roy Ellis on 29-Jul-2011 14:37

Hi John,

how are you starting the database?  If you start it from the command-line (proserve or _mprosrv) while logged in and the log out, your process will end.  This is because processes started by a user on Windows end when the user logs out. 

The AppServer however, is running under the AdminServer which is a Windows Service and will continue to run even when you log out.

If this is what you are seeing, then defining the database as a process controlled by the AdminServer will fix this problem.  You can use OpenEdge Managment to configure and manage the database and you can set the database (as well as the AppServer) to auto-start, so they both start when the Windows machine starts.

Let me know what you find, Roy

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