inability to reach appserver on cloud server (solved)

Posted by PSArcade on 08-Aug-2011 11:07

We have set up an appserver ("WebAPI_AS"), attached to a database ("OurLittleGoldMine") on our cloud server ("240"). I should be able to run some code like this from my local machine and access that appserver:

def var hsrv as handle.

create server hsrv.

def var vString as char.

def var vLog as log.

def var vHandle as handle.

def var vMsg as char format "x(30)".

vString =

"-H " + ""

+ " -AppService WebAPI_AS".


When I run that code, I get "NameServer is non-responsive". Same issue when I try and direct-connect, changing the string to:

"-H " + ""

+ " -S 3092 -DirectConnect ".

In both cases, I can run this code from the 240 machine itself, but not from my laptop. I have turned the firewall OFF to make sure that is not the issue, but I still cannot connect. Where else should I be looking for clues as to what is happening?  By the way, I can do a socket connection like this:

def var s as handle no-undo.

create socket s.

s:connect("-H -S 10102").

if s:connected()

then s:disconnect() no-error.

delete object s no-error.

That seems to work fine from my machine. Any suggestions?


Cathi Peck

All Replies

Posted by Roy Ellis on 08-Aug-2011 12:13

Hi John and Cathi,

there are 2 different issues at work here.

1) the Amazon firewall port is not open by default via the Security Group.  You will need to open the NameServer port and the AppServer Broker port (and possibly the AppServer Agent ports if using State-Reset or State-Aware).  This can be done by adding them to the Security Group of the deployment using the ADVANCED tab and navigating to the RightScale dashboard.

2) the AppServer broker will, by default, register with the NameServer using the Amazon internal IP address.  This means only machines behind the Amazon firewall (and NAT) will be able to find the AppServer.  If you wish machines outside Amazon (like your local machine) to find the AppServer through the NameServer, you must change the registrationMode=Register-HostName and the hostName= in the $DLC/properties/ file or through OpenEdge Explorer or Management.

Let me know if you have any questions,


Posted by LegacyUser on 08-Aug-2011 12:36

Thanks, Roy, I had forgotten about updating via RightScale. I will check this out and let you know how it goes...


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