Rick Whiting of CRN just published an article that talks about both Progress Arcade as well as Progress OpenEdge 11.0 based upon an interview with Colleen Smith, VP of Product Marketing, and Matt Cicciari, Product Marketing Manager for OpenEdge/SaaS Platform and Cloud Deployment.
SaaS vice resident? Is that a new title? Are we implementing medical ranks? Interns, Residents and Attendings?
No, apparently they can't spell and they don't fix misspellings. They spell Savvion incorrectly in the referenced article on the purchase.
I'd like not to care, but I do. It's a techie thing. Also, it's a professional thing, if you're going to represent yourself as a professional resource, you should act professionally. That includes proof-reading copy. If you don't get it right the first time, fix it.
Fact: OpenEdge is released; OpenEdge 11 is in beta.