I recently came across a rather strange bug to do with saving web handlers on the PAS UI.
The grid can have up to 20 items/web handlers per page. If you have 20 or less, there's no issue when you change them and save. However, if you add more web handlers so you have to use more than 1 page on the grid, when you go to save your changes, it will only save the page of the grid that you are currently on.
Meaning, if you have 20 handlers and you add another, the new handler will be on page 2 so when you save the changes, you will lose the first 20 handlers from the openedge.properties file. This means you have to resort to manually writing "handler21=NewHandler: /newTestHandler" in the openedge.properties file in order to not wipe all of the other handlers.
Is this a known issue? Is there a fix for this?
Why not use the oeprop command line tool?
oeprop +oepas1.ROOT.WEB.handler21=<Handler 21 class>:<URL 21>
The limit of 20 webhandlers sounds like a bug in the UI to me; please report it to tech support.