Deploying a REST application using Pacific Application Serve

Posted by kuhles on 28-Sep-2018 01:34


in OpenEdge 11.6

I am trying to deploy an ABL application (NewApplication )  using the Pacific Application Server  in Web Applications. I am able to deploy it(browsing the file and uploading it via the browser), it appears in the Web Applications after deploying it, however when clicking on the list of ABL applications i only see ROOT, and the ROOT doesn't have my paar file, it's the default generated application. 

I would like to know how to i make my application the default? Does it have to do with paths? or is there a command for me to run to send my NewApplication into the ROOT and merge etc?

Posted by marekk on 23-Feb-2020 17:18

Many thanks, Peter!


All Replies

Posted by Sanjeva Manchala on 28-Sep-2018 01:40

Just a quick check, have you started the server after deploying WebApplication?
AFAIK, When you start the server then only newly deployed webapps will be loaded into the server context and then they will be displayed under list of Web Applications.

Posted by kuhles on 28-Sep-2018 01:46

Yes, i started it,

for example, if in the beginning i create a new Pacific application server called oepas1, then that appears on the list of ABL applications, however when i click on it i see ROOT, but if before i click on the oepas1 i click on Web Applications then i see manager, oemanager, ROOT, and NewApplication.

i need it to show NewApplication when i click oepas1 so that i can configure it, enable rest, and add database parameters etc.

Posted by Peter Judge on 28-Sep-2018 08:26

The “NewApplication” is an ABL  application (within the PAS instance). I don’t believe there’s any way to create a new ABL application from PDSOE (you need to use  tcman deploy with the optional last parameter).
To see the options for tcman, in proenv type “pasman help deploy” or, in the instance’s bin directory, type “tcman help deploy”. They boths how the same info.

Posted by David Cleary on 28-Sep-2018 09:28

The overuse of some terms can be confusing, so here is how I like to describe it.
A PASOE Instance can have
                One or more ABL applications
An ABL Application can have
                One or more Web Applications derived from oeabl.war
A PASOE instance must have a ROOT application. This ROOT application is an oeabl-based web application by default, but doesn’t have to be. You can undeploy ROOT, and deploy any valid web application in its place.
A default PASOE Development Instance contains the following:
  • An oeabl-based web application deployed as ROOT, with a default ABL application name of the instance
  • The Tomcat Manager web application – not an ABL application
  • The OEManager web application – not an ABL application
  • The OEDebuger web application – not an ABL application
For a production instance, all that will be there is an oeabl-based ROOT web application that has everything disabled by default.
For deploying a REST application, you can choose to deploy the paar file to an existing web application like ROOT, or you can generate a PASOE web application from PDSOE that you can deploy outside of ROOT. If you go that route, you probably want to undeploy ROOT and deploy a web application that does what you require when a client hits you server with no path specified. This can be a login page, a redirect, or something else depending on what you require.

Posted by Peter Judge on 28-Sep-2018 09:36

To add to what Dave says …
An ABL Web Application can have
One or more ABL Services. These ABL services are represented by a PAAR file (rest transport), WSM file (SOAP transport) or a Web handler (WEB transport).

Posted by marekk on 23-Feb-2020 13:31

So, let me ask: I create a new pasoe instance in production env with no ROOT web app  and 2 ABL apps (session managers). I deploy to them myApp.war file created in PDSOE. Do I have to deploy oeabl.war file to each of the ABL apps?



Posted by marekk on 23-Feb-2020 15:37

In other words: is any .war application created in PDSOE a oeabl-based application?

Posted by Peter Judge on 23-Feb-2020 16:38

If you create an ABL server project type, then it's an oeabl-based webapp.
You can also IIRC create a 'webui' project which is not.
In order for a webapp to be considered part of an ABL application, it must be an oeabl.war (based on $dlc/servers/pasoe/extras/oeabl.war) . You can deploy other war files into PASOE but they're not considered part of an ABL application.
You can deploy a non-ABL webapp as the root webapp but I'd suggest not using the ROOT.war that's in that extras directory, since it's a vanilla tomcat webapp and so not particularly secure.

Posted by marekk on 23-Feb-2020 17:18

Many thanks, Peter!


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