in OpenEdge 11.6
I am trying to deploy an ABL application (NewApplication ) using the Pacific Application Server in Web Applications. I am able to deploy it(browsing the file and uploading it via the browser), it appears in the Web Applications after deploying it, however when clicking on the list of ABL applications i only see ROOT, and the ROOT doesn't have my paar file, it's the default generated application.
I would like to know how to i make my application the default? Does it have to do with paths? or is there a command for me to run to send my NewApplication into the ROOT and merge etc?
Many thanks, Peter!
Yes, i started it,
for example, if in the beginning i create a new Pacific application server called oepas1, then that appears on the list of ABL applications, however when i click on it i see ROOT, but if before i click on the oepas1 i click on Web Applications then i see manager, oemanager, ROOT, and NewApplication.
i need it to show NewApplication when i click oepas1 so that i can configure it, enable rest, and add database parameters etc.
So, let me ask: I create a new pasoe instance in production env with no ROOT web app and 2 ABL apps (session managers). I deploy to them myApp.war file created in PDSOE. Do I have to deploy oeabl.war file to each of the ABL apps?
In other words: is any .war application created in PDSOE a oeabl-based application?
Many thanks, Peter!