HI All
I am a bit confused regarding importing an existing certificate into a PAS OE instance as the documentation details how to do this from a completely new perspective.
I have an existing certificate in .p7b format and i want to use this with my PAS instance if i try the following command:
sslc pkcs12 -export -in <filename>.p7b -out tomcat-keystore.p12 -name mysslprivkey
I get the following error:
error:0906D06C:PEM routines:PEM_Read_bio:no start line:crypto\pem\pem_lib.c.691:Expecting: ANY PRIVATE KEY
My problem was that i didn't check the keystore.
when i used the command - keytool -v -list -keystore <FileName>.keystore i found that the keystore contained my private key and the root cert and intermediate certs and so i just copied my keystore over the default conf/tomcat-keystore.p12 (11.7.2) and updated the catalina.properties file for the keystore alias and password and it all worked okay.
NOTES - [View:/cfs-file/__key/communityserver-discussions-components-files/21/0407.Creating-a-certificate-for-Tomcat.pdf:320:240]
Hi Christian
I had a similar problem using the existing certificate of my server.
I discovered that I needed at least two more parameters:
-inkey <private-key-file>
-certfile <intermediate-certificate-chain-file>
My problem was that i didn't check the keystore.
when i used the command - keytool -v -list -keystore <FileName>.keystore i found that the keystore contained my private key and the root cert and intermediate certs and so i just copied my keystore over the default conf/tomcat-keystore.p12 (11.7.2) and updated the catalina.properties file for the keystore alias and password and it all worked okay.
NOTES - [View:/cfs-file/__key/communityserver-discussions-components-files/21/0407.Creating-a-certificate-for-Tomcat.pdf:320:240]