CORS config for oemanager web app

Posted by Mike Fechner on 14-Jun-2017 09:47


does anybody has a working sample for allowing CORS for the PASOE 11.7 oemanager webapp?

I have tried adding a CORS filter to the config (either anonymous or basic) - but then the setup turned into form based auth ... :-(

I'm intending to call into the oemanager from an Angular 2 application, so cally would for now be from localhost:4200

When I build the angular 2 application and run it from a PASOE static folder, the oemanager access works find. 



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Posted by Irfan on 15-Jun-2017 16:52


We have tried to configure the CORS filter for oemanager but it did not work either. So I would have to ask you to log a bug through TechSupport or I can do that for you.

If we figure out any workaround by then, will let you know.

Posted by Mike Fechner on 15-Jun-2017 17:46

Thanks Irfan,

I have logged case 00404295 yesterday. 


Von meinem iPad gesendet

Am 15.06.2017 um 23:53 schrieb Irfan <>:

Update from Progress Community


We have tried to configure the CORS filter for oemanager but it did not work either. So I would have to ask you to log a bug through TechSupport or I can do that for you.

If we figure out any workaround by then, will let you know.

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Posted by Irfan on 15-Jun-2017 18:56

Thank you Mike.

BTW, what was the use-case for you to access oemanager from your client Application. What was the information that you were looking for ?

Posted by Mike Fechner on 16-Jun-2017 04:58

It's part of the tooling we offer to our developers in our Angular client. An overview of the agents/sessions with the ability to trim them to get new application code loaded. 

Posted by ymaisonn on 16-Jun-2017 11:40

I will log a bug from case 00404295

Posted by MTBOO on 16-Jun-2017 11:55

Have you/do you need to register the CORS filter in the web.xml e.g.









Posted by Irfan on 16-Jun-2017 12:09

You have to add that in the oemgr<>.xml file. But when we add the CORS filter and the bean definition, it is not picking up those values. So, its a bug.

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