How to deploy telerik's controls?

Posted by OctavioOlguin on 13-Oct-2016 18:02


I managed to develop a Chart with wincontrols.radchart (my first attemp to incopprate .net control in my program.)

now I can't view char on -client networking- client (client-server)  11.6

I read this

but it won't telll where should I put the dll´s at runtime.  

Posted this question on telerik's site, but haven't got any workable answer yet (after some 3-4 days)

All Replies

Posted by Mike Fechner on 13-Oct-2016 23:46

Do you have any error message?
Are you using the -assemblies startup parameter? That should point to a folder that contains your assemblies.xml file and the custom assemblies you are using. Use that parameter, and put the required assemblies (.dll files) into that folder.

Posted by OctavioOlguin on 14-Oct-2016 12:39

Thanks Mike....

This is my assemblies.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<assembly name="Telerik.WinControls.RadChart, Version=2016.2.608.20, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=5bb2a467cbec794e"/>
<assembly name="TelerikCommon, Version=2016.2.608.40, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=5bb2a467cbec794e"/>
<assembly name="Telerik.WinControls, Version=2016.2.608.40, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=5bb2a467cbec794e"/>
<assembly name="Telerik.WinControls.GridView, Version=2016.2.608.40, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=5bb2a467cbec794e"/>
<assembly name="Telerik.WinControls.ChartView, Version=2015.2.728.40, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=5bb2a467cbec794e"/>

This is my assem  dir:

 Directorio de \\sucahersa3\schapps\sch\assem

14/10/2016  11:45 a. m.    <DIR>          .
14/10/2016  09:59 a. m.    <DIR>          ..
28/09/2016  09:19 a. m.           751,616 Telerik.WinControls.RadChart.dll
28/09/2016  09:19 a. m.         1,332,224 Telerik.WinControls.GridView.dll
01/10/2016  03:47 p. m.           651,776 Telerik.WinControls.ChartView.dll
28/09/2016  09:19 a. m.           340,480 TelerikCommon.dll
28/07/2015  05:38 p. m.         2,802,688 Telerik.WinControls.dll
14/10/2016  11:48 a. m.               672 assemblies.xml
               6 archivos      5,879,456 bytes

this is my access icon (windows client networking license:)

C:\Progressx86\OpenEdge\bin\prowin32.exe -p procs\men\men01.w -db tap -T c:\tap\temp -H -S 2500 -db sch -S 2499 -H -basekey ini -ininame c:\production\sch.ini -rand 2 -assemblies assem -Wa -wpp

with "Statup in" (windows porperty of direct access icon): 


This is the propath in sch.ini


And this is the error   :(

One thing I noticed is on client networking version 11.6.0.  It asks for version 2016.2.608.40 and I got this on class browser of PDSOE

Assembly Telerik.WinControls.ChartView


The difference between 2015.2.728.40 developer, and 2016.2.608.40 on runtine.... Is it worth for something?

I simply can't make the cahrt happen....


Jorge Olguin

Posted by Garry Hall on 14-Oct-2016 13:32

The error message is telling you that the AVM was trying to load Telerik.WinControls.ChartView version 2016.2.608.40, but could not find it. If your deployed assemblies.xml contains the reference to version 2015.2.278.40, then there is some reference somewhere to version 2016.2.608.40.

When the AVM loads the CLR, it load the assembly references from assembly.xml. As it executes r-code, it can find r-code that was compiled with a different version of the assembly (the assembly version is written into the r-code). The AVM will try to load that assembly.

However, if your dev (or build) environment really only contains version 2015.2.278.40, then the r-code would not contain newer references to 2016.2.608.40. You might really want to verify that the version of the assembly you build the r-code with is indeed the older version. You could try to open the r-code in a text editor/viewer, and search through for strings containing ChartView. I would not usually recommend this, but I don't think there is a way to check the .NET references of r-code, and such strings are fairly obvious.

I don't know the inheritance or dependencies with Telerik controls, but maybe it is the RadChart that is requiring the newer version of ChartView. I would have expected the error message to say it could not load RadChart, if it had a failed dependency on ChartView.

I think the correct solution is to bring your Telerik assemblies to the same level. You seem to have a mismatch of versions in your dev environment.

Posted by gdb390 on 14-Oct-2016 15:12

Openedge is shipped with a trial version of Telerik controls -- I think that was the 2015 version you mentioning

You have to do three things :

1. Chance the prowin.exe.config file - see also post

2. You have to update the assembly references in your project

3. Replace the toolbox controls to the 2016 version

Compile everything and that should work then to start deploying by using the -assemblies startup parameter and the assemblies.xml

Posted by OctavioOlguin on 14-Oct-2016 20:03

I've unistalled the 2016 version of telerik (I guess sometime back I installed demo), hoping that the compiled version of CLS windows gets hardcoded the 2015.2.728.40 version that should remain.

The problem is I came to PDSOE, and I dont' have the Telrik panel in the toolbox anymore, just the ultra, openedge and microsoft controls panels....

How can I reinstall the demo that came with PDSOE?   I need to show CEO what we are about to start doing...


Posted by OctavioOlguin on 14-Oct-2016 20:14

Other question would be, perhaps I can upgrade all demos of telerik (pdsoe and client networking), just to show proof of concept...?  what's your thougts?

Will the instalation procedure register the demo on pdsoe? will I be able to drop the controls on visual designer?


Posted by gdb390 on 15-Oct-2016 03:02

I would go with the latest version of Telerik

Do you have a valid license ? Or a test license ?

Just follow the steps I mentioned earlier ...

1. Change the prowin.exe.config file as mentioned in the post

2. Open PDSOE

3. Open your project and replace the referenced assemblies in your project

4. In your project you have a toolbox.xml , open it and replace the Numbers of Telerik version 2015 to 2016.3.608.xx

If you use 64 bit replace the xx with 40

Good luck !

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