Win7 Can anyone help me with creating a silent upgrade script for 11.2 to 11.5.1 please? I've got the scripts we used for going from 10.x to 11.2, but they are referencing "C:\Program Files\InstallShield Installation Information\{CFD926DB-10C8-4CB6-A6B3-49FD8F98262F}\" for the executables to uninstall 10.x.
C:\Program Files\InstallShield Installation Information\ does not exist on my machine. So that's a difficulty.
Also, I'm not sure what I need in order for the install to work as I'm assuming I'll need to somehow provide the license information for a silent install?
The 11.2 install command is "\\helios3\vol1\Progress\11.2\setup.exe -psc_s -psc_f1=\\helios3\vol1\Progress\11.2\issfile\setup.iss -psc_f2=\\helios3\vol1\Progress\installv11-2.log"
I think that's all I'm struggling to understand for now. Any assistance gratefully received.
Ignore the bit about Install Shield - I forgot I was on a 64bit OS so it's in Program Files (x86)
Just answered my own question!