Hi all.
(I hope this is the appropriate forum)
We have migrated an OE application to a new server a week ago. Since then we had the following error three times, resulting in sever slow-down of the entire Application:
[STDERR] java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded
We are not aware of any substantial configuration differences in the new implementation.
I have found the following references:
Both of these refer to the same error, and suggest a start-up parameter to be used. IT seems to me that this is a work-around which treats the symptoms rather than the cause. I might not be understanding correctly. There is no indication that the root cause has been addressed in any later Progress Patch.
I did find the following article which recommends upgrading to OE 11.3.3, but the error is "heap space", not "GC overhead limit" - not exactly the same, so I don't believe it is necessarily relevant.
Since I suddenly have an unstable production environment - I would really appreciate any solid feedback or experience.
The first of those is for data direct; nothing to do with adminserver. The second is just general advice on on GC tuning and not terribly helpful at resolving the issue.
The third one is probably what you are running into and you should start there or upgrade to something newer where it is fixed.
Please be sure that you also loop Tech Support in. There are many talented people monitoring this forum who may be able to assist, but the Tech Support team will take ownership of helping you to resolve your issue.