AppServer returns "This version of PROGRESS does not al

Posted by Tai Li on 25-Dec-2014 21:04

Hi All,

My client's AIX server have AppServer Enterprise and RDBMS Enterprise licenses installed. I understand these are runtime licenses. We have placed both the .p and .r programs into the AppServer instance path, but when the external Java program tries to access these .p and .r files through the AppServer call, I got this error message, "This version of PROGRESS does not allow compiles. (471)". From Article, "14648 - Progress/OpenEdge runtime and query products have limited compile capabilities" stated that "Runtime OpenEdge can only run precompiled source code...". This Java program only need to access the 4GL programs. Where could have gone wrong?

Please advise?

Thank you.

PS: Merry Christmas to all!

Tai Li

Posted by TheMadDBA on 29-Dec-2014 08:57

Because this is AIX the filenames will be case sensitive... abc.p is not the same as ABC.p

All Replies

Posted by Dileep Dasa on 25-Dec-2014 21:34

Couple of pointers:

Is this error seen for a specific .p/.r or all?

Are you sure that you have corresponding .r file for each .p file?

Posted by Tai Li on 25-Dec-2014 22:18

Hi Dileep Dasa,

Thanks for your quick response.

The error is for a specific .p program. Each program have their own corresponding .p and .r files. Is the filename case sensitive?

Posted by Srinivas Munigala on 29-Dec-2014 00:51

As per the following article, it is expected behaviour and you require development license to get it worked.

Posted by Frank Meulblok on 29-Dec-2014 04:51

File names should not be case sensitive.  

If this is only affecting a specific .p, you may be hitting a variant of this issue:

Posted by TheMadDBA on 29-Dec-2014 08:57

Because this is AIX the filenames will be case sensitive... abc.p is not the same as ABC.p

Posted by Tai Li on 29-Dec-2014 22:10

Thanks all for your valuable inputs!

I'm not too sure if its really due to filename case-sensitivity, but I did managed to solve the problem. Besides renaming the filename of .r to match the .p filename, I also removed all .p from the directory.

Will do a confirmation once I have access to my client environment.

Thank you to all!


Tai Li

Posted by Frank Meulblok on 30-Dec-2014 03:20

Gah. I overlooked the OS. Yes, Unix variants *are* case sensitive.

Posted by Tai Li on 30-Dec-2014 03:47

Hi All,

I have verified, yes, it is due to case sensitive issue.

Thanks all for your great help!

Edit: Will further test if is due to the presence of .p files as well. Stay tuned.

Tai Li

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