OE Management version 11.3, logout button?

Posted by fredrik.richtner on 08-Oct-2014 08:14


Do you know if there is a logout button hidden somewhere? Would be great to have if I want to login as another user in the same web browser. Or is there some URL to load?


All Replies

Posted by Libor Laubacher on 08-Oct-2014 08:16

The button is not in 11.3. Logout functionality has been added in 11.4.
From: fredrik.richtner [mailto:bounce-fredrikrichtner@community.progress.com]
Sent: Wednesday, October 8, 2014 8:15 AM
To: TU.OE.Deployment@community.progress.com
Subject: [Technical Users - OE Deployment] OE Management version 11.3, logout button?
Thread created by fredrik.richtner


Do you know if there is a logout button hidden somewhere? Would be great to have if I want to login as another user in the same web browser. Or is there some URL to load?


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