Deploying DLLs

Posted by Peter van Dam on 09-Jul-2014 04:58

We are using WebClient 11.3.

I understand we can deploy the Infragistics DLLs by simply copying them to the proper directory (the application root directory by default).

Is this true for all DLLs? Or does it depend on the particular DLL? Do some DLLs need to be registered like OCXes?



All Replies

Posted by Roger Blanchard on 09-Jul-2014 06:32

We use WebClient as well and distribute the .net assemblies (DLLs) to the assemblies folder which is located in our application root directory. We then use the -assemblies startup parameter to let OE know where they are located. They do not need to be registered but to need to be referenced in the assemblies.xml file.

Posted by Garry Hall on 09-Jul-2014 08:24

When you say all DLLs, do you mean .NET assemblies, or any DLL? It depends on the particular DLL.
The Infragistics DLLs are all .NET assemblies. .NET assemblies can be copied into the -assemblies directory (the application root directory by default), as WebClient knows to instruct the CLR to probe for them there. As rblanchard stated, they should be in your assemblies.xml file. I don’t know if there are .NET assemblies that need to be registered, that is up to the assembly.
If you are making calls from ABL into a function within a DLL, that is a different mechanism. I believe this is governed by the Dynamic Link Library Search Order. Read the MSDN reference for LoadLibrary for that. I believe you can still have it in the application root directory, or below, provided you abide by the DLL search order.
If the DLL is an OCX or COM object, I believe it needs to be registered, but check the doc on the DLL. For such DLLs, the WebClient Initializer will put them below the application directory, unless they are marked as System or Common files… there should be little need now for them to be System or Common files, I believe these ideas pre-date side-by-side assemblies.
From: Peter van Dam []
Sent: Wednesday, July 09, 2014 5:59 AM
Subject: [Technical Users - OE Deployment] Deploying DLLs
Thread created by Peter van Dam

We are using WebClient 11.3.

I understand we can deploy the Infragistics DLLs by simply copying them to the proper directory (the application root directory by default).

Is this true for all DLLs? Or does it depend on the particular DLL? Do some DLLs need to be registered like OCXes?



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