Hello everyone. I'm in the process of moving our application from OpenEdge 9.1 running on HP-UX to OpenEdge 10.2B on Suse Linux. I'm currently in the discovery phase and would like to reach out to all of you to find out if anyone has done an upgrade like this and what I can expect. I know I may need to investigate the scripts for backing up the database and AI files. I found the "Database Administration" PDF from http://documentation.progress.com/output/OpenEdge102b/pdfs/start.pdf . I'm in search for the Progress Language Reference as I have this from 9.1 but I cannot locate the 10.2B version. Any kind of advice/help is much appreciated based off your previous experiences. Thanks, Rob
Hi Rob,
As you're doing a platform change and a version upgrade at the same time you are going to likely find some interesting issues. To do the platform change you will need to do a binary dump and load of your data. There is no other way. I'm pretty sure you can dump and load across versions, but you'd be best waiting for someone to confirm this.
Whilst you're in the process of upgrading you will want to look into Type II storage areas. All of your data should be in Type II areas after the move as this will provide significant performance benefits. I don't mean to teach you to suck eggs, so I apologise if you've heard this before. You should analyse your table based on similarity in mean record size (you can get this from a DBANALYS), and not business use. Your top 2 or 3 tables (usually) based on usage should be in their own areas too.
I'm not expressing myself too well, so have a look at community.progress.com/.../3616.aspx
Before doing anything you should take a full backup of the database. After you have finished you should take a full backup of the database too.
As for the Language Reference, I'm not sure that is produced any more. The help files are a lot more useful now though so the reference is probably pretty obsolete.
There's a starter for ten. Others will likely be along with more in depth advice. I'm just a beginner with DBA tasks ;)
Hi Rob.
We recently upgraded from 9.1e to 11.3 but staying on a windows platform with a shift from 32 to 64 bit being the key difference. Would a shift to 11.3 rather than 10.2 B be possible for you? The impression I got was the issues would roughly be similar, hence we made the double jump.
In terms of type II, we asked Progress consulting in to do the table-to-storage area mapping and we were supplied sample scripts for running parallel D & L. I had to fiddle a little with the "convert 9 to 10 to 11" script that comes with OE11 but got it working. The D&L was "seriously" quick compared to the same process in 9.1e + 32 bit server.
We had a few hiccups:
(1) we had to hard code the ip address into the server as the OE11 services grabbed a default IP value before the server had been assigned its IP by the network so the DBMAN and ABMAN wouldn't start/stop the databases etc (nameserver on a different port?) while OpenEdge Explorer did [sorry I'm a bit hazy on the details].
(2) We had issues with appservers hanging. We changed the port ranges inherited from 9.1e to keep the database and appserver broker & server ranges separate.
(3) Nearly all the rest of the headaches were the result of tidying up the code, connection files, accommodating 48 windows 7 uses and '1' XP user, and trying to be too clever by using a remote application server as a single client machine on a flaky virtual environment (we may yet look at Citrix in the future).
Best of luck.
Hi James/Guy,
Thanks for the advice. Our vendor will be assisting as they are very familiar with progress database. They want to upgrade us to 10.2B. Progress DB administration is very new to me. I know we will be performing a binary database dumb. As for Type II tables, this is new information to me so all this advice is very helpful. Our vendor seems to have done this many times but I'm just learning to see what's involved to improve my DB administration skills. All of this is very helpful information. Thank you!
at the risk of sounding like a smartass, if your vendor is very
familiar with the progress database, they will be well aware that
10.2B is over 5 years old. There have been 4 releases of progress
since then (11.0, 11.1, 11.2 and 11.3).
They must have an incredibly compelling reason for "upgrading" you to
an old release ...
On 8 May 2014 18:09, rcase wrote:
> RE: OpenEdge 9.1 to 10.2B Upgrade Project
> Reply by rcase
> Hi James/Guy,
> Thanks for the advice. Our vendor will be assisting as they are very
> familiar with progress database. They want to upgrade us to 10.2B.
> Progress DB administration is very new to me. I know we will be performing
> a binary database dumb. As for Type II tables, this is new information to
> me so all this advice is very helpful. Our vendor seems to have done this
> many times but I'm just learning to see what's involved to improve my DB
> administration skills. All of this is very helpful information. Thank you!
> Stop receiving emails on this subject.
> Flag this post as spam/abuse.
Julian Lyndon-Smith
IT Director,
"The bitterness of poor quality remains long after the sweetness of
low price is forgotten”
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I was curious based on your reply. Their application is not certified for v11. They are working on that.
It's hard to imagine why that certification hasn't been 1) finished years ago and 2) kept fresh as new releases appear.
On the bright side 10.2B is a much more capable release than 9.1 -- but it is still ancient.
So, if they are working on it, why don't they jump to a current release instead of an old one?