I'm new on Progress and OpenEdge. I have a problem with the connection and authentication. I have a server with progress database in the db and there are 3 users. "a", "b" and root. User "to" I know the password and can not connect to the database remotely with the odbc driver (OpenEdge 10.1c). the user is read-only so I can not make changes to the db. user "b" do not know the password. I just root and I understand that should correspond to the root user of the operating system (redhat 6). I know the root password of the operating system, but even so I can not connect to the database remotely. septum when the odbc driver and insert the OpenEdge root user name and password gives me access denied error (or something similar). Could someone help me please. It 'possible that the root user is allowed only from the machine on which you installed progress?
Thanks in advance
sorry for my english
The passwords used by OpenEdge sql are independent of the passwords used by the OS. From what you describe, it seems that your db have 3 users defined in the database user table (_User). "a", "b", and "root". Each of these users have a password defined in the OpenEdge user table (encrypted). If you know none of those passwords, then you need to contact a DBA or someone who has the authority to do database administrative actions. That person can create a new user id for your use. After doing so, that authorized person also has to use OpenEdge sql to use the sql GRANT statement to give you the type of privileges you should have.
That authorized person could also change the password of an existing user, and then safely tell anyone employing that user id what the new password is.
hope this helps, ......sjp [OE sql architect]
If I don't know dba and I don't know password of users "b" and "root" but I know password of user "a" read only I can't write into db? Can I enable sysprogress user with root user of s.o. Red hat 6? If yes, how to? I need access to db for add field in a table please hel me
Adding a field to a table is a major event. For example, it has the potential of breaking ABL applications using the table.
At any rate, the db security seems to have been setup so that you are a read-only user. If you want to change that, you have to contact the person who has the ability to do that. Only a sql DBA or maybe an ABL Sec Admin can do that. Somebody created the db and owns it, in some manner. Whoever created the db will be a DBA. You need to contact that person, and that person needs to figure out the right thing to do.
hope this helps, .....sjp
Hi cicciored,
I suggest you log a case with Progress Technical Support.
Best Wishes,
Youssif Shanshiry
refer back the question again trying to be more clear.
db configured serves unix red hat 6 , in the " dbname " . " SYSPROGRESS ." " SYSDBAUTH " there are two users:
- root
for both users and RES_ACC DBA_ACC fields are set to "y".
I can see this through another machine with windows installed the drivers odbc OpenEdge . Using sql server and DTS (date trasformation service) to connect to the db on unix . the only problem is that I only know the login information of a user who has read-only rights .
in another table called " dbname " . " SYSPROGRESS ." " SYSTABAUTH " I find the permissions for each table set for three users :
"a" ( read-only , the user I use to connect )
"b" ( I think he has rights to read and write) do not know the password
"root" (I thought that was the root of unix I know , but the password does not match ) .
I need to connect to the db in writing, database administrators do not know , how can I use what I have to do that. I use the user SYSPROGRESS (although I do not know the password. Tried with the password " sysprogress " but does not work) .
Also, if you run the query directly from vogio need unix (I know the login user "root " ) , what should I do, what I lacinare commands directly from the shell. Please help me because for me it is very important.
Thanks in advance
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