I've got a situation where I've got a NS on a different port than 5162, and while this KB fixes the problem, it's a pain to have to remember to do this every time the WSA is bounced.
Is there a place in the system where I can set the NS port permanently and not have to worry about it?
Hi Tim,
The KB link isn't working so I hope this isn't the same suggestion as it makes. There is defaults that are taken when deploying a WebService (at least in 11.3 there is) and one of the options is the "appServicePort" which by default is 5162. You can change this via OpenEdge Explorer/Management or going the the "default.props" file in the wsa\wsa1 directory (or your equivilent directory).
Is this what your after?
Well that sucks - here's the KB in question: progress.my.salesforce.com/.../P117394
I'm using 11.0 for now. When I tried setting the default props - if I set it t the appserver port I'd get a "something's wrong in the WSA call" error, if I set it to the NS port, calls to the service would hang. The only way to get the service to work was by using the wsaman call. :(
Hmmm... We may have a miss understanding of the default props. They would be the ones given to a newly deployed webservice. Is that what you expected? i.e. if you change default props but still have 4 webservices already deployed, they wouldn't change there default port (I don't believe). You would have to disable the webservices and then change and save the port change and then enable them again.
I am also not sure if you change the file directly if you would need to restart the JSE that you are using.
I thought "default props" was for either all the WSA's, or for each WSA individually. Given the way OEE works, it's hard to tell what's what art times.
I'd be fine with restarting the JSE, what I want to do is permanently fix the NS port for a WSA, and not have to worry about running wsaman for some still-to-me-unknown-reason.
I guess there are two schools of thought. The first is that it would be nice to have it controlled in one place (i.e. one setting for all WebServices) and another that its better to have individual settings for all WebServices. I personally am in the second camp.
I could be extremely wrong but I would have thought your case is an exceptional case. Does setting it to a service name work (I have never had the need to test it)? This would let you set it to what ever you wanted.
Just a thought.
PS. You could always make the different behaviour suggestion in the ideas section (community.progress.com/.../default.aspx)
I like the second camp too - there's always the "exceptions to the rule" one has to worry about.
With respect to using service ports, the problem is I'm not sure where - other than the wsaman command - this value is set. Using service ports can be tricky, as some products use them correctly, and others don't and require a numeric port #.
default.props are the default runtime properties used when deploying a service. Changing those will not change properties of deployed services. Above you said you set it to the AppServer port and that didn't work. That would be a direct connection and require a change of protocol to bypass the Nameserver (AppServeDC://).