help, how do i export progress data to ascii files

Posted by LegacyUser on 12-Feb-2001 09:08

Could somebody point me to a resource where i can find something on how to automate/schedule a periodical export from a Progress 7 database tables to ascii files in unix....? I have accsess to tools like Result and procedure builder and database schema. I am new to progress and i know very little on Progress. Although i have experience in using some other databases like oracle and sqlserver.

It would be a life saving work if somebody point to something, quickly. thanks in advance


All Replies

Posted by LegacyUser on 13-Feb-2001 04:41

"nilesh" wrote:


>Could somebody point me to a resource where i can find

>something on how to automate/schedule a periodical export

>from a Progress 7 database tables to ascii files in unix....?

>I have accsess to tools like Result and procedure builder

>and database schema. I am new to progress and i know

>very little on Progress. Although i have experience in

>using some other databases like oracle and sqlserver.

>It would be a life saving work if somebody point to something,

>quickly. thanks in advance




The right way to create an ASCII file is using a stream. Like:

DEF STREAM si-dhl-data.

DEF STREAM so-error.

DEF STREAM so-unscan.


OUTPUT STREAM so-emcon TO value(mt-emcon) NO-ECHO.

OUTPUT STREAM so-error TO VALUE(mt-error) NO-ECHO.

OUTPUT STREAM so-unscan TO VALUE(mt-unscanned) NO-ECHO.


PUT STREAM so-error


At the end, don't forget to close the stream(s):





Posted by LegacyUser on 13-Feb-2001 05:05

Hi Nilesh,

You can use the Progress export-statement.


OUTPUT TO cust.d.

FOR EACH Customer:

export Customer.



This creates a space-delimited file. Each field is put inside double quotes.

You can use the crontab feature of unix to start Progress with this procedure periodically.


Posted by LegacyUser on 13-Feb-2001 15:48

thanks, Louis and Rabien ,

I am working my way through the manuals. I think I will need to define frame and use it in some sort of for loop. I would think that mbpro is the backgroud batch processing utility i will have to use.


"nilesh" wrote:


>Could somebody point me to a resource where i can find

>something on how to automate/schedule a periodical export

>from a Progress 7 database tables to ascii files in unix....?

>I have accsess to tools like Result and procedure builder

>and database schema. I am new to progress and i know

>very little on Progress. Although i have experience in

>using some other databases like oracle and sqlserver.

>It would be a life saving work if somebody point to something,

>quickly. thanks in advance



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