We are in the process of upgrading from HPUX 10.01 to HPUX 11. Our current Progress version is 8.3C. I noticed in the Version 8 Platform Availability document that there is a note about the "32 bit version". Is that another product or setting or will we be able to upgrade to HPUX 11 without modifications? Any information would be greatly appreciated! Thanks
We just went throught the same process, upgrading from HPUX 10.20 to 11.0 and had version 8.3B installed. Although in our testing the database and appliation seemed to work properly, you need to get the HPUX 11.0 media from Progress to get a valid serial # for the new OS. We were shipped version 8.3D, because 8.3B was "retired". The install of the new version was straight forward, but we did run into an issue with a 3rd party ODBC driver (Merant).
Hope this helps...
"Robert Lehr" wrote:
>We are in the process of upgrading from HPUX 10.01 to
>HPUX 11. Our current Progress version is 8.3C. I noticed
>in the Version 8 Platform Availability document that
>there is a note about the "32 bit version". Is that
>another product or setting or will we be able to upgrade
>to HPUX 11 without modifications? Any information would
>be greatly appreciated! Thanks