Please, does anyone have any suggestions for the best
>way of link Progress databases ver 7.3c and VB Script And Java Script for Web application. Where I can find ODBC
>driver for Progress database?
"America" wrote:
>Please, does anyone have any suggestions for the best
>>way of link Progress databases ver 7.3c and VB Script
>And Java Script for Web application. Where I can find
>>driver for Progress database?
This is a migration forum, not a general help board. As it so happens, you actually happen to be in the right place. V7 is cancelled and no longer supported. You need an upgrade. If that Progress version is V7.3C or V7.3C01 then you need the upgrade even more. Only V7.3C03 and higer is a safe version of V7.3C. V7.3C and V7.3C01 have extremely dangerous database corrupting and signal handling bugs. They are absolutely evil.