Copy File In Unix through Progress

Posted by LegacyUser on 24-Apr-2001 11:27

I am using Symix 4.1R2.02 with Progress Char V8.

I am having trouble to copy a file in a unix directory to

another directory with progress.

There is the scenario.:

In the Payroll Printing Screen in Symix, users are printing

checks to a file in the following directory : /tmp/mor/test.dat .

To keep a backup of this file I want to copy it to another

directory like /mor/test.dat; I want to do this by writing a little program

and put it in the background queue where it can runs weekly to make the copy.

I tried to use os-copy to do it. I am not really familiar to

do this kind of copying. If someone could help me and tell me how to do

it I would really appreciate.

All Replies

Posted by LegacyUser on 23-May-2001 18:06

create a crontab entry (crontab -e) and add the following command

0 12 * * 6 cp /tmp/mor/test.dat /mor/test.dat

0 minutes

12 hour

  • all weeks

  • all months

5 fridays (1=monday, 7=sunday)

You´re telling unix to copy a file to another directory every friday at 12 o'clock every week and every month.

"Wissel Joseph" wrote:


>I am using Symix 4.1R2.02 with Progress Char V8.

>I am having trouble to copy a file in a unix directory


>another directory with progress.


>There is the scenario.:

>In the Payroll Printing Screen in Symix, users are printing

>checks to a file in the following directory :

>/tmp/mor/test.dat .


>To keep a backup of this file I want to copy it to another

>directory like /mor/test.dat; I want to do this by writing

>a little program

>and put it in the background queue where it can runs weekly

>to make the copy.


>I tried to use os-copy to do it. I am not really familiar


>do this kind of copying. If someone could help me and

>tell me how to do

>it I would really appreciate.

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