Since upgrading our Progress server from Solaris 2.6 to 2.8, we occasionally
receive the error "Number of private slots in segment table exhausted (1083)"
when running larger programs in multi-user mode. I've gone thru most of the
Solaris tuning I could think of, here are the current settings:
IPC Semaphores
500 semaphore identifiers (SEMMNI)
10072 semaphores in system (SEMMNS)
10072 undo structures in system (SEMMNU)
1008 max semaphores per id (SEMMSL)
50 max operations per semop call (SEMOPM)
50 max undo entries per process (SEMUME)
65535 semaphore maximum value (SEMVMX)
32767 adjust on exit max value (SEMAEM)
IPC Shared Memory
50331648 max shared memory segment size (SHMMAX)
1 min shared memory segment size (SHMMIN)
720 shared memory identifiers (SHMMNI)
128 max attached shm segments per process (SHMSEG)
I've also lowered the "-B" option in the db start parameter file (was 5200
in 2.6, I set it to 600 in 2.8). Does anyone have any more ideas?