Progress 4GL

Posted by LegacyUser on 19-Apr-2002 06:06

Whether Progress 4 GL is ODBC compliant?

Can I create DSN in Windows operating System?

All Replies

Posted by LegacyUser on 14-Aug-2002 09:44

"Abhijit" wrote:


Whether Progress 4 GL is ODBC compliant?

>Can I create DSN in Windows operating System?

Using the MERANT driver supplied by progress as an optional install componant

you can create a DSN in a Windows operating system.

Install the ODBC modules (onlt available in provision I beleave) then go to

Control Panel and select ODBC from the administrator tools.

Select add and then select MERANT blablabla PROGRESS SQL92 v91.C

set this up and there you go a DSN in windows.

Any problems feel free to ask.

Gareth Woodhouse

Analyst Programmer

Progress V6,7,8,9 CHUI/GUI


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