JDBCProgressDriver - preparedstatement

Posted by LegacyUser on 13-Sep-2002 01:38


I am using jdk1.3 and PROGRESS 09.1B database. My driver is

progress.sql.jdbc.JdbcProgressDriver.(1.1000 (03.60.0000))

There is an array field (extents 4) in my table. I have to update it. I tried

using setArray in the preparedstatement for updation.

But i dont know what param to use for

setArray(int i, Array x) .

I have, Double elements[] = ; which has to be updated into

the array field. I found ArrayDescriptor and ARRAY used for that in Oracle.

But couldnt find correspoding datatypes/methods in Progress. Could any one

please help me....

My method for updating is shown below:


public boolean updateAccountArray(int domain)

throws DataSourceException


Connection con = null;

Double elements[] = ;

ArrayDescriptor desc =


ARRAY newArray = new ARRAY(desc,con,elements);

PreparedStatement pstatement = null;

boolean bExecute = false ;

StringBuffer sql = null;

boolean bExist = false;

try {

con =


sql = new StringBuffer

("UPDATE accttable SET

accounttable.accountnumber = ? where");

sql.append("accounttable.domain = " +

domain + ");

pstatement = con.prepareStatement



bExecute =


System.out.println("returned value ..." +


return bExecute;

} catch (SQLException ex) {

throw ex;

} finally {

JdbcUtil.close(pstatement, con);






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