Hi group,
It's great web site to share our knowledge. I am having some difficulties creating
a linked server in SQL Server-2000.
Here are some steps I followed.
I have installed the Merant Progress ODBC driver in the Server and I have installed
the Progress Client Networking software then created the ODBC System DSN to
the Progress Database, that was successful and I am able to make a connection
to the progress database. Finally I would like to create the linked server
in the MS SQL Server 2000, so that I can make write a query from the SQL Server.
I am getting the following error message while I am trying to connect to the
server. Here is the error message.
Error 7399: OLE DB provider 'MSDASQL' reported an error. Driver's SQLSetConnectAttr
-P and -U startup parameters require _User file records. (709)]
Begin transaction backout. (2252)]
Login by root on batch. (452)]
Transaction backout completed. (2253)]
Optional feature not implemented.]
Logout by on batch. (453)]
Hope some body from this group might have created the linked server. If some
body, could send me your valuable suggestions that will be great.
Thanks in advance,