Progress V9.1D Redhat Linux - Large memory usage

Posted by Admin on 25-May-2004 08:10

We have a Webspeed app that consumes a large amount of memory over a period of a few hours, ie: approx 2GB at startup, growing to over 4GB, eventually using 1.7GB swap. It appears the problem is Agent based, since when we stop the broker, the memory usage returns to normal.

We have limited the sort file size, which reduced the usage a little.

Any ideas?

All Replies

Posted by Admin on 25-May-2004 19:14

2GB at startup???

Is that before the first request is processed?

Is that for a single process or the total memory use after starting the adminserver or webspeed server?

If it is a single process what procedures are you running @ startup?

- Colin.

P.S. - you may be better served placing this message on the peg

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