How to restore a progress 91D database after migrated it to

Posted by Admin on 07-Aug-2007 18:10

Hi Everybody,

I did following things to my progress 91d database, say pilot

1. use progress 91d's probkup to backup the 91d pilot

2. migrate the database to openEdge 10.1b using "proutil pilot -C conv910"

3. Now I want to use the backup files in step 1 to restore the database to progress 91d, it shows the error

"Unable to complete version 177 restore with a version 9 backup.

!!! ERROR - Database restore utility FAILED !!! (8564)"

Is there anybody that knows how to do the restore? Thanks

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Andy Zhang

All Replies

Posted by kevin_saunders on 09-Aug-2007 02:46

This error occurs because you are using OE10.1B to do the restore. You must make sure that you are using V9.1D (the same version that did the backup) to do the restore. Backups have never been version portable.

Posted by Admin on 13-Aug-2007 16:17

I use following steps to restore the database to progress 91D successfully.

1. use oe10.1b's prodel to delete the migrated database,

2. use progress 91d's prostrct and the to create a new database

3. then use the progress 91d's prorest to restore the database, and it works.


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