db "write" trigger has a different CRC on 32bit co

Posted by pgzit on 04-May-2009 07:26

I have migrated a 9.x db (32bit) to a 10.x db (64bit).
Recompiled my source-code on the 64 bit machine and ran a batch job which would fire a write trigger and i get:

CRC for database trigger procedure does not match schema. (3242)

I used following code to check write trigger CRC of the table on windows

FIND _file WHERE _file-name = "mytable".
FIND _file-trig WHERE _file-recid = RECID(_file) AND _event = "WRITE" NO-ERROR.
DISP _File-trig._Trig-CRC .

and compared this with R-Code CRC info on both systems , and they are different.

It matched the 32bit version.

So my question.

Is it not possible to have "CRC check on" if you need triggers in mixed ( 32bit / 64bit ) environments?

Could not find info on this in the "migration" white paper

We need DB triggers for windows client who are 32 bit and linux batch jobs which are 64 bit.
So i guess i need to compile 2 times and make sure that the right environment get the right r-code.

All Replies

Posted by Tim Kuehn on 04-May-2009 12:49

check the "-trig" client startup parameter.

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