I have a question about migrating from V6 to OE10.

Posted by mark_lange on 07-Nov-2011 22:31

I have a customer who is trying to convert from Version 6 (yes 6) on UNIX to OE10 on a Windows server.  Actually, converting the code isn't the problem, most of the legacy code runs fine.  And the few glitches have been easily fixed... so far.

The problem is, they want everything to "look" just like it did in V6.  So they started the conversion running everything on _progres.exe.  Their in-house developer told them that was the way to go.  Then he ran into those glitches, and with no experience in OE10 he was stumped.  So I've been brought in to rescue the project, and I'm trying to convince them to let me run it under prowin32.exe instead.

I've worked in V9 and OE10, on systems using both CHUI and GUI, but I've always used prowin32.exe.  I'm convinced that sticking to _progres.exe, just to keep that old "white text on blue screen" color scheme, will limit future capabilities.  But since I never worked in _progres.exe, I can't give them a list.

And of course, they swear they will "never" want a GUI look-and-feel, so changing to the "black text on white screen" of the prowin32.exe CHUI is "too disruptive" and "too confusing" for the users.

Am I wrong?  Or will sticking with _progres.exe paint their system into a corner from which I'll never be able to rescue them?  Anyone had experience with the differences between using _progres.exe vs. prowin32.exe?

Any help would be greatly appreciated!


All Replies

Posted by Tim Kuehn on 08-Nov-2011 06:46

Given the current objective is to get past the "glitches", I'd say stick with the char client. If they want some capability in the future that the char client can't give, that's the time for them to move to the prowin version.

Right now, other than "I want to do it this way" and this nebulous reference to "future capabilities", you haven't identified why _progres can't or shouldn't be used to get this transition completed.


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