Report Builder: moving from V9 to Openedge V10.2b

Posted by Awmacc on 23-Jul-2012 17:06

I am now testing a migrationg from Progress Version 9 to openedge 10.2b connecting to MS SQL SERVER 2005.

When I try using report created in V9 report builder on the Openedge V10 Schema it keeps crashing  giving the message Report Engine encountered a problem anneeds to be close.

Can any one help?

All Replies

Posted by on 23-Jul-2012 17:11

Is RP even usable in v10? We switched to Crystal reports from RP when we upped to v10.

The server name is embedded in the .PRL file, so you may need to open each report and update the server name and save.

Can you be more specific about the error?

Posted by Awmacc on 23-Jul-2012 17:40

The reports work well when connected a native Openedge V10.2B database.

Attached is the acutual error message displayed.

Posted by on 23-Jul-2012 21:41

Arthur -

I missed you saying it was the MS SQL connect that was the problem. I have only connected to native Progress databases so unfortunately have no experience in the area.

the closest KB entry to your situation I found was KB # P104189:

Report Builder

Report Builder Runtime Engine fails to generate the report

Using the Report Builder Table Interface

Using the MS SQL DataServer

RBREPORT table is located in the Microsoft SQL Server database

Using the -rbtabledb parameter indicate to the Report Builder Runtime

Engine the database where the RBREPORT table is located

Errors generated vary depending on the value contained in the

RB-DB-CONNECTION field in the RBREPORT table on the MS SQL Server

RB-DB-CONNECTION = sports2000"):

Report Database override to non existent Command-line database

Removing the -rbtabledb parameter results in the expected error:

Cannot open control file RBREPORT

Records can be written to and read from the RBREPORT table

Using the -rbtabledb parameter against an Oracle or AS-400 database

works properly i.e. the RBREPORT table is located in the foreign

database, -rbtabledb parameter is specified, and Report Builder

generates the report as intended


This is a known issue being investigated by Development


Option #1

Place the RBREPORT table in a separate Progress database

Option #2

Load the RBREPORT table in to the Schema Holder

Posted by Awmacc on 24-Jul-2012 07:18

Thanks Rob.

Saw that KB article but does not help in this case.

Seems as though it is a connection issue.

Posted by egarcia on 24-Jul-2012 08:32


Understanding this issue would require to know the stacktrace for the crash.

You would need to include the symbols for the modules involved in the crash, such as rbeng00.pdb and Windows modules.

Do you get a procore file as part of the crash?

It looks like you have a Windows debugger installed. What information do you get when using the Debug button in the crash dialog?

It might be best to work with Customer Support.


Posted by Awmacc on 24-Jul-2012 10:04

I get a protrace file attached below.

I don't get any information dislayed after using the debug button.

Yes I think I need to contact suppoort on this issue.


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