Looking for sample code for throwing error from the AppServe

Posted by jquerijero on 22-Jan-2020 15:48

I would like to try this throwing an error from the AppServer to be caught by the client, but I'm not quite sure about the implementation. Help talks about using a SERIALIZABLE class. Can you point me to a sample code?


Posted by Mike Fechner on 22-Jan-2020 15:52

CLASS yourpackage.YourError INHERITS Progress.Lang.AppError SERIALIZABLE:
// properties
// constructors
UNDO, THROW NEW yourpackage.YourError ().

All Replies

Posted by Mike Fechner on 22-Jan-2020 15:52

CLASS yourpackage.YourError INHERITS Progress.Lang.AppError SERIALIZABLE:
// properties
// constructors
UNDO, THROW NEW yourpackage.YourError ().

Posted by jquerijero on 22-Jan-2020 16:03

Do you know of any caveat or anything that I should watch out for?

Posted by Mike Fechner on 22-Jan-2020 16:10

Not being on historic releases such as 11.3 or so would help.
Try it. Let us know when you run into issues.

Posted by Peter Judge on 22-Jan-2020 16:14

If your serialzable class contains other types, they must *all* be serializable otherwise you'll get a runtime error.
This becaomes tricky when you have something like
Class MyError inherits AppError serializable:
   Def public property ErrorContext as Progress.Lang.Object get. set.
End class.
Because you can assign any object (of any type) to that property, you can very easily assign an unserialzable one.
For  ABL built-in serialization, you don't have control of the actual serialization operation (turning the object into bytes/json) which makes working around this hard.

Posted by Laura Stern on 22-Jan-2020 18:29

Be careful.  If you try to throw it back to the client using...:

  UNDO, THROW NEW yourpackage.YourError ().

...then you need to have BLOCK-LEVEL UNDO, THROW at the top of your .p or .cls file.  Otherwise the error will just get raised within its current block context. Or you can do the following from the top-level AppServer procedure:

  RETURN ERROR NEW yourpackage.YourError ().

Posted by jquerijero on 22-Jan-2020 19:18

For the RETURN statement, does it behave the same way when just returning a literal string, or does it need to be a ProgressError derived class when using structured error handling?

[quote user="Laura Stern"]

Be careful.  If you try to throw it back to the client using...:

  UNDO, THROW NEW yourpackage.YourError ().

...then you need to have BLOCK-LEVEL UNDO, THROW at the top of your .p or .cls file.  Otherwise the error will just get raised within its current block context. Or you can do the following from the top-level AppServer procedure:

  RETURN ERROR NEW yourpackage.YourError ().


Posted by Laura Stern on 22-Jan-2020 19:24

I don't know what you mean by "does it behave the same way when just returning a literal string".  if you return an error object instance, it needs to be a class that implements Progress.Lang.Error and it needs to be SERIALIZABLE (which all the system classes are).  That's the same as with UNDO, THROW.  If you just return a literal string, you can catch it on the client as an AppObject where the ReturnValue property will be set to that string value.  Or you can just handle the error the non-structured error-handling way (with DO ON STOP, or whatever), and the RETURN-VALUE function will return that string.

Posted by Laura Stern on 22-Jan-2020 19:24

I don't know what you mean by "does it behave the same way when just returning a literal string".  if you return an error object instance, it needs to be a class that implements Progress.Lang.Error and it needs to be SERIALIZABLE (which all the system classes are).  That's the same as with UNDO, THROW.  If you just return a literal string, you can catch it on the client as an AppObject where the ReturnValue property will be set to that string value.  Or you can just handle the error the non-structured error-handling way (with DO ON STOP, or whatever), and the RETURN-VALUE function will return that string.

Posted by agent_008_nl on 28-Jan-2020 05:39

Interesting article on the throw keyword: hackernoon.com/the-throw-keyword-was-a-mistake-l9e532di

More on this f.e.:


Posted by Matt Baker on 28-Jan-2020 18:41

I had a long post here and I deleted it because this isn't the right thread.  agent_008...if you want to start a new thread, I'll be happy to rant along with you :)

Posted by jquerijero on 28-Jan-2020 19:08

You answered my question. I was just wondering if both cases (object or literal) can be processed/handled similarly using structured error handling.

Posted by agent_008_nl on 29-Jan-2020 05:28

Ok, will do.

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