How to deactivate "Disallow Blank Userid Access" o

Posted by fiservarvind on 14-Jun-2019 10:47


We have a database where we have enabled "Disallow Blank Userid Access" option. Now everytime when we are trying to access the db it returns "Database connection with blank userid not permitted. (12702)" error.

We don't have any user/password for that particular DB to de-activate it as one the solutions says you have to connect with -U and -P params.

Can someone please assist how to handle this?

Posted by fiservarvind on 26-Jun-2019 07:11

We solved it and found the userid and password stored with that db. It was the problem with some scripts which saved old creadentials on that db and the new credentials were not working there.

All Replies

Posted by Francisco Morales López on 14-Jun-2019 15:54

What version of Progress you use, as you will see the behavior of entering the development environment is different in each case.

Posted by frank.meulblok on 17-Jun-2019 07:45

For clarity, the error (12702) is because "Disallow blank user connections" is activated on the database. (Normally done via Data Administration tool, under the Database Options, this is not the option found in the Security menu of that tool.)

You'll need to:

- Find out where the database came from

- Find out who was responsible for administering the database

- Convince them to give you the right username & password that allows you to change these settings,

Posted by fiservarvind on 21-Jun-2019 06:19


Posted by fiservarvind on 21-Jun-2019 06:21

Yeah thats what we are checking, I believe there is no option to connect such DB without valid userid and pwd once "disallow blank userid and pwd" is activated..

Posted by Francisco Morales López on 21-Jun-2019 20:46

It is correct to activate a security option, at the moment that the prevent the blank user is ALWAYS requested an authentication.

This option is only allowed if there is a valid user, as I mentioned frank, the first thing is to verify who has it.

As far as I remember once this option is enabled it can not be canceled, you would have to generate the BD again.

The current condition of the BD is a good security practice, however, according to your publication, you need to make environmental adjustments.

You can create a parameter file (PF) with the corresponding user and password.

You can also create a program that connects to the BD (connect)

Posted by fiservarvind on 26-Jun-2019 07:11

We solved it and found the userid and password stored with that db. It was the problem with some scripts which saved old creadentials on that db and the new credentials were not working there.

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