Progress Application Server: Error when adding new instance:

Posted by dreessenphilippe on 29-May-2019 15:09

Unable to create Progress Application Server instance ZenPasoe: Error from tcman: status = null
Version 11.7 64bit.
Has somebody an ideay why this error occurs when creating a new instance op Pas?
Admserv.log has no errors listed: 
[ZenPasoe] exec: D:\fid11_64\dlc\servers\pasoe\bin\tcman.bat create -p 8080 -N ZenPasoe -s "\-1" -P 8443 -m *** -f -Z developer D:\fid11_64\dlcwork\ZenPasoe  

Directory "ZenPasoe"
 has not been created.

All Replies

Posted by Dileep Dasa on 30-May-2019 07:39

Can you post the exact pasman command you are trying to execute?

Posted by dreessenphilippe on 03-Jun-2019 06:44

I have tried to add the instance with the OpenEdge Explorer.

Posted by rkumar on 03-Jun-2019 19:50

What happens if you copy-paste the below command getting executed and run it in a proenv prompt

D:\fid11_64\dlc\servers\pasoe\bin\tcman.bat create -p 8080 -N ZenPasoe -s "\-1" -P 8443 -m *** -f -Z developer D:\fid11_64\dlcwork\ZenPasoe

Posted by dreessenphilippe on 04-Jun-2019 15:22

I have tried to execute the command in proenv, but no result, nothing happened.

After re-installinging OE with Administrator rights the issue was solved.

I guess it was a security issue..


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