Business entity takes 30 secs to get created

Posted by OctavioOlguin on 26-Apr-2019 15:58

Hi there.

I have following scenario   (windows appserver 11.5  win32):

1)   a .w window  makes the following:

lRetOK = hServer:CONNECT (charID) 

RUN procs\ventas\apSuc0301.p ON hServer    
    ("", " ", ?, ?, OUTPUT DATASET dsCasoPaquete ).

2)  apSuc0301.p:

PUT STREAM dbg NOW " Creating NEW dscasopaq: " SKIP.

myCaso = NEW dsCasoPaq().

OUTPUT STREAM dbg TO "c:\t\apSuc0301-dbg.txt" append.
PUT STREAM dbg NOW " Created." SKIP.

//   Just to get this timings..
// 26/04/2019 10:30:22.307-05:00 Creating NEW dscasopaq: 
// 26/04/2019 10:30:54.913-05:00 Created.

3) and inside dsCasoPaq() I create another stream and get timings inside class.  I hardly takes 1.5 secs..

So my bottle neck is on NEW dsCasoPaq.  this is the case I'm investigating....  but the bad news is that appserver is struck on process taking forever to complete.

All this began with this problem

trying to solve it,  (as I'm configuring another Appserver, now on pasoe 11.7 wind 64, and making test on CONNECT("-URL..."), I uninstalled 11.5, tried to install 11.7, just to learn about no 32  bits availability, another try with 11.6, to no avail,, so reinstalled 11.5 to keep users going, and since then, strugling to find problem.

I thought first about wrong indexing on table, but no... (it selects quite several records on 1.5 secs.).

then inserted all dbg streams...

How could i solve the slow instantiating problem?

Thanks in advance

Posted by OctavioOlguin on 26-Apr-2019 18:28

I guess the problem was unintalling 11.5 appserver, installing 11.7, uninstall 11.7, install 11.6 uninstall 11.6, install 11.5 and hope windows to behave.  wrong.

New server handles querys in 1.6s, whereas late pc acting as server, and all screwed off, was taking 120s!

Posted by OctavioOlguin on 26-Apr-2019 18:38

I guess problem arose from:

Uninstalling 11.5 apserver, trying to install 11.7 (installer complained of 32 bits of cpu),  trying to install 11.6 (same complain), reinstalling 11.5, pasting

Querys that late cpu, acting as a server, allowed user to see response after 120s, now take 1.6s on the client networking screen....

Posted by OctavioOlguin on 30-Apr-2019 15:59

That was it....

New server flights away with the querys...

It handles in microsends what used to be 10's seconds,

All Replies

Posted by OctavioOlguin on 26-Apr-2019 16:00

Forget to mention, 5 users, several process, take all servers available from appserver...

Posted by OctavioOlguin on 26-Apr-2019 17:09

I suspect about .properties  files.

I backup before uninstalling and copied once reinstalled..

I'll keep posting as more come to surface...

(meanwhile to alleviate user contempt, installing a substitute cpu with ssd, and manual re-creation of 11.5 classic appserver instances )

Posted by OctavioOlguin on 26-Apr-2019 18:28

I guess the problem was unintalling 11.5 appserver, installing 11.7, uninstall 11.7, install 11.6 uninstall 11.6, install 11.5 and hope windows to behave.  wrong.

New server handles querys in 1.6s, whereas late pc acting as server, and all screwed off, was taking 120s!

Posted by OctavioOlguin on 26-Apr-2019 18:38

I guess problem arose from:

Uninstalling 11.5 apserver, trying to install 11.7 (installer complained of 32 bits of cpu),  trying to install 11.6 (same complain), reinstalling 11.5, pasting

Querys that late cpu, acting as a server, allowed user to see response after 120s, now take 1.6s on the client networking screen....

Posted by OctavioOlguin on 30-Apr-2019 15:59

That was it....

New server flights away with the querys...

It handles in microsends what used to be 10's seconds,

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