Error 9407 connection failure

Posted by k036169 on 11-Feb-2019 14:42


I'm sending sales figures to an analytic platform with a post to receive back forecasts. I can set batches of several products.

I send data in json format with a POST, platform might take a while to process, so i can query result with a GET.

When i send batches of 20 products, the 13 firsts are processed OK, then 14th & 15th fail because of Progress error 9407, then next are processed OK.

If i send a big batch, POST works, but connection failure error occurs on the GET... I'm probably missing something in my code (part of it at the end of the message), i checked OpenEdge documentation/KB but didn't find any clue...

Did someone face this issue and find a solution to this ?



oLib = ClientLibraryBuilder:Build()

 oClient = ClientBuilder:Build()

 oURI = NEW URI(STRING(UriSchemeEnum:https), in-endpoint-url).
 oURI:Port = in-endpoint-port.
 oURI:Path = in-endpoint-path.

 OSTRING = NEW STRING(iplcPayload-data).

  oRequest = RequestBuilder
  :Post(oURI, OSTRING)

 oResponse = oClient:Execute(oRequest).
 oEntity = oResponse:Entity.
 opJsonResult = CAST (oentity, JsonObject) NO-ERROR.
 cRequestID =  opJsonResult:getCharacter("requestId") NO-ERROR.
 cAAstatus = "".
 cAAStatus = opJsonResult:getCharacter("status") NO-ERROR.
 IF cAAStatus <> "" THEN
  IF cAAStatus = "not-ready" THEN DO:
      ASSIGN in-endpoint-path = in-endpoint-path + "/" + cRequestID
             oURI:Path = in-endpoint-path.
      DO iWaitLoop = 1 TO 480 :
          PAUSE 60 NO-MESSAGE.
          oRequest = RequestBuilder
          :GET(oURI, OSTRING)
          oResponse = oClient:Execute(oRequest).

          oEntity = oResponse:Entity.
          opJsonResult = CAST (oentity, JsonObject) NO-ERROR.
          cRequestID =  opJsonResult:getCharacter("requestId") NO-ERROR.
          cAAstatus = "".
          cAAStatus = opJsonResult:getCharacter("status") NO-ERROR.
          IF cAAstatus <> "not-ready" THEN LEAVE.

All Replies

Posted by k036169 on 13-Feb-2019 15:44


With help of colleagues, i found the issue here, I was sending the payload in the GET request, and it seems it was messing the analytics platform. I also added option "cache-control: no-cache" in http header...


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