Cannot follow active client connection

Posted by admire on 01-Feb-2019 23:30

Hi all.

I have an issue that I can´t find an aswer and hope someone can help me.

First of all when I do an asbman -i soiwT -q i get this response

Broker Name                    : soiwT
Operating Mode                 : Stateless
Broker Status                  :  ACTIVE
Broker Port                    : 48697
Broker PID                     : 20120432
Active Servers                 : 6
Busy Servers                   : 0
Locked Servers                 : 0
Available Servers              : 6
Active Clients (now, peak)     : (4, 16)
Client Queue Depth (cur, max)  : (0, 8)
Total Requests                 : 244280
Rq Wait (max, avg)             : (4779 ms, 0 ms)
Rq Duration (max, avg)         : (2891540 ms, 245 ms)

PID   State     Port  nRq    nRcvd  nSent  Started          Last Change
21889704 AVAILABLE 04603 008520 008520 010739 Feb 1, 2019 06:30 Feb 1, 2019 16:08
28509110 AVAILABLE 04608 007835 007835 010048 Feb 1, 2019 06:30 Feb 1, 2019 16:08
26280182 AVAILABLE 04612 007943 007943 010004 Feb 1, 2019 06:30 Feb 1, 2019 16:08
3604710 AVAILABLE 04615 007865 007865 010013 Feb 1, 2019 06:30 Feb 1, 2019 16:08
19398662 AVAILABLE 04617 008444 008444 010668 Feb 1, 2019 06:30 Feb 1, 2019 16:08
18482046 AVAILABLE 04618 008348 008348 010902 Feb 1, 2019 06:30 Feb 1, 2019 16:08

As you can see the response has this line "Active Clients (now, peak)     : (4, 16)"  but all the PID's are available...

Next, if I do an "asbman -i soiw -clientdetail all" the result is as follows:

 conn hdl= 63989
 user name= null
 remote addr= remote.addr
 remote port= 38984
 connection state= CONNECTED
 conn ID= remote.server::soiwT::48697::cf51f7ee7ba5d766:-312dea77:168a6cd0d51:-61b7
 request count= 1
 agent PID= 3604710
 agent port= 4615

 conn hdl= 64020
 user name= null
 remote addr= remote.addr
 remote port= 39467
 connection state= CONNECTED
 conn ID= remote.server::soiwT::48697::cf51f7ee7ba5d766:-312dea77:168a6cd0d51:-618e
 request count= 1
 agent PID= 21889704
 agent port= 4603

 conn hdl= 70919
 user name= null
 remote addr= remote.addr
 remote port= 56179
 connection state= CONNECTED
 conn ID= remote.server::soiwT::48697::cf51f7ee7ba5d766:-312dea77:168a6cd0d51:-42f1
 request count= 1
 agent PID= 26280182
 agent port= 4612

 conn hdl= 70921
 user name= null
 remote addr= remote.addr
 remote port= 56238
 connection state= CONNECTED
 conn ID= remote.server::soiwT::48697::cf51f7ee7ba5d766:-312dea77:168a6cd0d51:-42ef
 request count= 1
 agent PID= 18482046
 agent port= 4618

Finally, when I look for the PID's or the conn ID's in the logs with a "grep -r <conn ID> ."  I get a response like:

./app/[19/02/01@11:40:02.823-0600] P-20120432 T-C-0011 2 UB Basic      ConnectionID= (8096)

./app/soiwT.server.000040.log:[19/02/01@11:40:02.824-0600] P-3604710 T-000001 2 AS AS Application Server connected with connection id: (8358)

./app/soiwT.server.000040.log:[19/02/01@11:40:02.824-0600] P-3604710 T-000001 3 AS AS CSS_CONN before ACK, connection= bound=0 changed=0

As you can see the connections exist but the disconnections don't...

So the question is

How can I kill those connections and thus prevent my active clients from growing? or how can I track them to see what process they're running?

Thank you for your help

Kind Regards.

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