Hi there,
I need to set the -pf parameter with a relative path when I start my database in OpenEdge Studio, but because the working directory of this tool is set to %DLC% and because my target folder can be different from one computer to one other, I can't just set my path with for example ../../myFolder/myFile.pf.
I then tryed to use the environnement variables like this:
-pf %WORKSPACE_LOC%/Path/To/My/File.pf
but it seems, that the environnement variables are not correctly interpreted (here an example with %DLC%):
** Error starting database server C:/OSC/OSIV/Databases/ApplicationDB/Osiv/Osiv.db (-S 53300 -pf %DLC%/Launchers/Configuration/OsivDBTuning.pf)
I also tryed with %Variable%, with ${Variable}, with @{Variable} and none of these are working....
Did somebody know if a solution exists ?
Does database startup support configuration variable substitutions? I know run/debug configurations support it for many fields, but does database startup?
It seems not, that's my problem....