ODBC -vs- Replication

Posted by S33 on 27-Nov-2018 19:20

Hi --

I have a client interested in accessing Progress data from a SQL app. What questions should I be asking in order to determine if it would be better to set up ODBC access so that the Progress db appears as a linked server in SQL, versus setting up dataserver/replication to populate SQL tables from Progress either periodically or real-time?

Pros/cons I thought of:

  • If we use ODBC, we will want to set up database security, which will need to be administered; replication is outbound-only so no security impact.
  • Under ODBC, there will be network traffic; if several users query the same data, the same bytes will traverse the network repeatedly; whereas with replication no byte goes over the wire twice, i.e. once data is in SQL, it stays local.
  • ODBC is a one-time setup and the work of designing "good" queries falls to non-Progress folks. Replication will take significant setup, but the SQL copy can have its own structure, indexes, field names, etc...

Your thoughts?

This is 11.6 on RHEL7.

All Replies

Posted by gus bjorklund on 27-Nov-2018 21:02

You should look into Pro2SQL, which provides replication of selected tables to another database.

(this is a extra-cost psc product)

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