EGIT Issues in PDSOE

Posted by Anandh on 30-Oct-2018 09:23

Hi ,

In my work we have chosen GITHub for our development and we are working on GITHub repository , I am trying to create sample project in Progress Developer Studio for OpenEdge(PDSOE) and I want to share my local project with the remote repository , I can be able to successfully cloned the remote repository into my local and then when I share my OpenEdge project, I am facing an issue where PDSOE not recognizing my  GIT repository.

We have the very recent version of OpenEdge 11.7.3 and installed the plug-in called EGIT in PDSOE. I have documented the step by step process that I have followed in the attached document.  Please have a look and advise me where I am doing wrong.


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