Webspeed and .NET

Posted by oedev on 19-Oct-2018 02:50


Just for clarity, am I correct in assuming that before 11.6 it is not possible to use .NET components from a character/webspeed client? 

From 11.6, can an assemblies file be referenced via the webspeed agent start-up command?


Posted by rblanchard@ospreyretail.com on 19-Oct-2018 10:06

yes, we have been doing this for quite a while.

All Replies

Posted by rblanchard@ospreyretail.com on 19-Oct-2018 06:02

I believe supports for the clr bridge was added in 11.1.

Posted by oedev on 19-Oct-2018 10:01

Thanks, so that includes .NET framework and 3rd party components referenced via the assemblies file?

Posted by rblanchard@ospreyretail.com on 19-Oct-2018 10:06

yes, we have been doing this for quite a while.

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