PDSOE hangs whenever i try to work in my Project

Posted by singh.mitesh@gmail.com on 09-Oct-2018 09:20

Hello , 

While using PDSOE for a project (which is pretty big project) . My PDSOE hangs again and again and need about 15-20 seconds to come back alive . As soon as i browse through the project or save a file it again hangs and needs 15-20 seconds to come back .

Please suggest what steps i should take fix this . Thanks in advance !

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Posted by Mike Fechner on 09-Oct-2018 10:14

OE 11.7.3 ?

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Betreff: [Technical Users - OE Development] PDSOE hangs whenever i try to work in my Project

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Hello , 

While using PDSOE for a project (which is pretty big project) . My PDSOE hangs again and again and need about 10-15 seconds to come back alive . As soon as i browse through the project or save a file it again hands and needs 15-20 seconds to come back .

Please suggest what steps i should take fix this . Thanks in advance !

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Posted by Brian K. Maher on 09-Oct-2018 10:16

What version and bit mode (32/64) of OpenEdge? 
Brian Maher
Principal Engineer, Technical Support
14 Oak Park | Bedford, MA 01730 | USA
+1 781 280 3075

Posted by jquerijero on 09-Oct-2018 10:20

Do you have Automatic Build turn on?

Posted by dbeavon on 09-Oct-2018 10:54

Same here.  PDSOE doesn't work well with large projects.  Compiling code is especially slow (you may look into third-party options like using PCT when compiling an entire project).  For some reason this is totally outside of PDSOE's wheelhouse.

Here are the primary recommendations I would have, based on my experience with large projects.

  • Turn off auto builds
  • Turn off decorators in the project explorer view
  • Avoid the resources view in Eclipse altogether if possible
  • Close other projects (anything you aren't currently working on)
  • Use the "Progress" view (different Progress) to see what Eclipse thinks its working on 
  • Use Windows Task Manager to see if Eclipse is CPU bound or other (network/disk) bound
  • Move your projects to fast disk instead of some slow network share or something like that
    (fast NAS is also ok if you have it)
  • Turn off other plugins (eg source control) when troubleshooting the core OE components.
    Competing plugins can obscure the root cause of performance troubles

  • MOST IMPORTANT: download process monitor and run it when things are slow.
    Monitor for disk and network activity in particular.

Posted by Ken McIntosh on 09-Oct-2018 10:55

There is a known issue in this area which causes a delay when starting PDSOE.  To test if this is the cause of your slowness, select Window >> Preferences >> General >> Startup and Shutdown, then deselect "OpenEdge Find References".

This feature builds (at startup) the reference list from code in your environment.  By disabling it at startup it will build when the feature is used.

The feature in question allows you to find references to a selected object; e.g. choose a program or element of a program, right-click and select the Find References option to find all references to the selected object.

Posted by singh.mitesh@gmail.com on 09-Oct-2018 11:44

My OpenEdge Version is 11.7.1  Thanks

Posted by singh.mitesh@gmail.com on 09-Oct-2018 13:11

One thing i have noticed that This happens only when the Project is open in Project explorer view . If the project is closed then it does not hangs on any save of file .

Posted by Ken McIntosh on 09-Oct-2018 13:13

Did you try turning off Find References?  Does it make a difference?

Posted by singh.mitesh@gmail.com on 09-Oct-2018 13:39

Yes i tried but , Still if the Project Tree is open it hangs for a while every time i save the file . If the Project Tree is closed then it does not hands .

Posted by dbeavon on 09-Oct-2018 15:01

If you have the project explorer view or resource view open then it may be enumerating the files and doing operations on them in sequence.  I would definitely download "process monitor" from sysinternals and watch the system activity for anything that looks familiar.  If nothing else it may give you some entertainment while you are waiting on Eclipse.

Even if a project is large, you should still be able to work with it as long as the sub-folders contain reasonable numbers of files.  If your folders are 100's or 1000's of programs without *any* nesting then that will be painful because you won't be able to collapse and hide stuff.  There is some level of optimization that avoids working on hidden items in the project explorer.

You really need to run "process monitor" or "visual vm".  Otherwise we are all just "guessing" about what may be happening in your environment.  

Also have you tried the process-of-elimination?  I'd recommend excluding/deleting large segments of your project and see if/when things become better.

Finally I would definitely suggest turning off "label decorations" under preferences->general->appearance->"label decorations".  I have those all turned off except "OpenEdge Compile Error" which seems to perform reasonably well, and is worth a slight performance hit.

Posted by Arno van der Ende on 09-Oct-2018 15:05

Is the project still slow when you create a new 'clean' workspace? Sometimes I setup my workspace and Eclipse preferences, and then zip the complete workspace. When my workspace gets broken, I just restore the zip and I have a clean state again.

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