How implement/Integrate an Infragistics component into OpenE

Posted by bartvanlaer on 03-Oct-2018 05:14

Hi All,

For a project I must implement or link an Infragistics component into Progress. I have never done this and find it hard to find any examples. I don't know where and how to start with this.

Can someone help me with this? What must I do have the components are available into my AppBuilder/procedure editor? Maybe an small program with a simple implementation of a small Infragistics component would be very helpfull. I'm sure that some of you have struggled also or have small demo programs to test this.

Thx in advance.



All Replies

Posted by Mike Fechner on 03-Oct-2018 08:00

Do you have more details about what you need to do?
Btu generally, start reading the OpenEdge GUI for .NET section of the OpenEdge documentation.

Posted by bartvanlaer on 03-Oct-2018 08:10


I must implement a Infragistics component into Progress. So just an example of a small browser screen with a fill-in or other fields will do.

I have no knowledge of .NET, so that's why it is hard for me to find out how I can get this working. I just don't know where to start even after reading the OpenEdge GUI for .NET documentation.

Posted by bartvanlaer on 04-Oct-2018 01:29

Some more details ...

Let's say I have a small browser or dialog screen and I want to give this a more fancy look. I need to do this by using Infragistics.

I don't have any clue or idea where to start with this, so a small demo program would help me a lot. So I can expand this later on with the more difficult objects.

Thx in advance.

Posted by Mike Fechner on 04-Oct-2018 02:36

Are you attending the PUG challenge next week?

Posted by bartvanlaer on 04-Oct-2018 02:41

No I'm not free next week

Posted by olivier.dunemann on 04-Oct-2018 07:21

Hi Bart,

First of all, you should be aware that visualize (and deal) with .Net controls inside the kind old AppBuilder is not possible.
You can work inside a Procedure Editor, but it's really not recommended.
You should be using the Progress Developer Studio for OpenEdge (PDSOE).

Progress provides several samples based on Infragistics' Ultra controls. Just take a look at:

OpenEdge Ultra Controls for .NET  or  OpenEdge Ultra Controls for .NET Illustrative Samples

But once again, you should first be a little bit familiar with PDSOE.

Posted by bartvanlaer on 04-Oct-2018 07:29

No Mike I'm not able to attend this PUG

Posted by bartvanlaer on 04-Oct-2018 07:35

Hi Oliver,

Thx for the info.

I'm using appBuilder and I was trying to make this program via the Procedure Editor. Why is it not recommended to implement .Net via a Procedure Editor? Can you give the obstacles and disadvantages?

Thx in advance.



Posted by Mike Fechner on 04-Oct-2018 08:04

Programming .NET objects without code completion is like driving blind. The Procedure Editor does not provide code completion. PDSOE does.

Posted by olivier.dunemann on 04-Oct-2018 10:19


Have a look at this:  Progress.Windows.Form class

Using the Procedure Editor,
- Copy/Paste/Save the first block of code in a directory that is part of the PROPATH, and name it "DemoForm.cls".
- Copy/Paste the second block of code and run it.

You'll see a simple form with 2 buttons.
So far so good.

The Procedure Editor won't tell you what are the members (properties, methods, events) of objects on screen. In order to go further, you'll have to dig in the online documentation. For instance: Button class

PDSOE gives you all the assistance you need to explore all the capabilities of .Net controls.
Still not convinced? Just look at the hundreds of members of the Infragistics' UltraGrid

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